
时间:2019-12-09 13:02:53

标签: c# authorization identityserver4 pkce


public async Task<IActionResult> Login(LoginInputModel model, string button)
    // check if we are in the context of an authorization request
    var context = await _interaction.GetAuthorizationContextAsync(model.ReturnUrl);

    // the user clicked the "cancel" button
    if (button != "login")
        if (context != null)
            // if the user cancels, send a result back into IdentityServer as if they 
            // denied the consent (even if this client does not require consent).
            // this will send back an access denied OIDC error response to the client.
            await _interaction.GrantConsentAsync(context, ConsentResponse.Denied);

            // we can trust model.ReturnUrl since GetAuthorizationContextAsync returned non-null
            if (await _clientStore.IsPkceClientAsync(context.ClientId))
                // if the client is PKCE then we assume it's native, so this change in how to
                // return the response is for better UX for the end user.
                return View("Redirect", new RedirectViewModel { RedirectUrl = model.ReturnUrl });

            return Redirect(model.ReturnUrl);
            // since we don't have a valid context, then we just go back to the home page
            return Redirect("~/");

所以问题是为什么我们应该显示重定向页面以及如何改善用户体验? Redirec视图上的唯一内容是消息“您现在正在返回到应用程序”。您能给我任何理由这样做或有必要吗?谢谢!

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