
时间:2019-12-08 11:07:31

标签: javascript php jquery html mysql




数据库中有一个名为“ cquest”的表(其中包含一些问题),表名为“ question”,选项位于“ opt1,opt2,opt3,opt4”字段中。


我的问题在这里: 我想一一展示问题。就像我们单击下一步按钮一样,它将显示下一个问题,因此直到显示所有记录。


           $servername = "localhost";
           $username = "root";
           $password = "";
           $dbname = "quiz";
           $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
           if ($conn->connect_error) {
            die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

           $sql = "SELECT * FROM cquest";
           $result = $conn->query($sql);
           if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
            while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
              echo "<div class='row'>";
                echo "<div class='col-md-6 mb-6'>";
                echo "<div class='card shadow border-0 h-100'>";
                echo "<div class='card-body'>";
                echo "<h5 class='dark-text'>".$row['question']."</h5>";
                echo "<div class='bg-light'>";
                echo "<code class='dark-text'>".$row['ccode']."</code>";
              echo "</div>";
                echo "<div class='custom-control custom-radio'>";
                      echo "<input type='radio' class='custom-control-input' id='defaultGroupExample1'  name='ans' value='a' checked>";
                      echo "<label class='custom-control-label' for=defaultGroupExample1>".$row["opt1"]."</label></br>";
                      echo "</div>";
                      echo "<div class='custom-control custom-radio'>";
                      echo "<input type='radio' class='custom-control-input' id='defaultGroupExample2'  name='ans' value='b'>";
                      echo "<label class='custom-control-label' for=defaultGroupExample2>".$row["opt2"]."</label></br>";
                      echo "</div>";
                      echo "<div class='custom-control custom-radio'>";
                      echo "<input type='radio' class='custom-control-input' id='defaultGroupExample3'  name='ans' value='c'>";
                      echo "<label class='custom-control-label' for=defaultGroupExample3>".$row["opt3"]."</label></br>";
                      echo "</div>";
                      echo "<div class='custom-control custom-radio'>";
                      echo "<input  type='radio' class='custom-control-input' id='defaultGroupExample4' name='ans' value='d'>";
                      echo "<label class='custom-control-label' for=defaultGroupExample4>".$row["opt4"]."</label></br>";
                      echo "</div>";
                      echo "<button name=submit class=next>NEXT</button>";
                      echo "</div>";
                      echo "</div>";
                      echo "</div>";
                      echo "</div>";

           else {
            echo "Currently Unavailable";

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

一种方法是将所有问题放在页面上,并隐藏除第一个问题以外的所有问题,然后在单击下一步按钮时使用javascript / jQuery显示下一个问题。



    $servername = "localhost";
    $username = "root";
    $password = "";
    $dbname = "quiz";
    $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
    if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM cquest";
    $result = $conn->query($sql);
    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
        //set up a count to help track waht record we are up to. 0 = first record 
        $count = 0;
        while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        $style = ""; //set style to blank

        if($count > 0 ){ //if its not the first question, add styling to hide the question
            $style = " style='display:none;'";

        echo "
            <div class='row question-container' ".$style.">"; // <-- Styling added to this line if it not the first question

        echo"   <div class='col-md-6 mb-6'>
                    <div class='card shadow border-0 h-100'>
                        <div class='card-body'>
                            <h5 class='dark-text'>".$row['question']."</h5>
                            <div class='bg-light'>
                                <code class='dark-text'>".$row['ccode']."</code>
                            <div class='custom-control custom-radio'>
                                <input type='radio' class='custom-control-input' id='defaultGroupExample1'  name='ans' value='a' checked>
                                <label class='custom-control-label' for=defaultGroupExample1>".$row["opt1"]."</label></br>
                            <div class='custom-control custom-radio'>
                                <input type='radio' class='custom-control-input' id='defaultGroupExample2'  name='ans' value='b'>
                                <label class='custom-control-label' for=defaultGroupExample2>".$row["opt2"]."</label></br>
                            <div class='custom-control custom-radio'>
                                <input type='radio' class='custom-control-input' id='defaultGroupExample3'  name='ans' value='c'>
                                <label class='custom-control-label' for=defaultGroupExample3>".$row["opt3"]."</label></br>
                            <div class='custom-control custom-radio'>
                                <input  type='radio' class='custom-control-input' id='defaultGroupExample4' name='ans' value='d'>
                                <label class='custom-control-label' for=defaultGroupExample4>".$row["opt4"]."</label></br>
                            <button name='submit' class='next'>NEXT</button>
        $count++; //increment the counter

    }// End While

    } else {
        echo "Currently Unavailable";


<!-- include jQuery -->

//Set event handler for next buttons
    hide_current_question($(this)); //hide current question
    show_next_question($(this)); //show the next question

function hide_current_question(element){
    //find the parent with class of 'question-container' and hide it;

function show_next_question(element){
    //find the parent with class of 'question-container' and then show the next element with class of 'question-container' 

function show_previous_question(element){
    //find the parent with class of 'question-container' and then show the previous element with class of 'question-container' 
<!-- END -->


  • 为每个问题在最外面的div中添加了一个“问题容器”类
  • 添加了一个计数器,用于解决您在for循环中遇到的问题。
  • 添加了ternary operator逻辑来设置用于隐藏不是第一个问题的样式的样式
  • 添加了if语句逻辑来设置用于隐藏不是第一个问题的样式的样式
  • 包含的jQuery库
  • 为下一个按钮添加了事件处理程序逻辑,以显示下一个问题并隐藏上一个问题。
  • 添加了javaScript函数以提高可读性
