我正在开发一个asp.net MVC5网站,任何用户都可以使用贝宝(Paypal)发送和接收付款。目前,我正在使用沙盒帐户。在我的应用程序中,发件人将首先向应用程序所有者帐户付款,并在满足某些条件后付款自动转发到收款人的帐户。我要实施“付款”,“退款”,“捕获/保留”,“争议”,并想跟踪付款状态。
public static class PaypalConfiguration
//these variables will store the clientID and clientSecret
//by reading them from the web.config
public readonly static string ClientId;
public readonly static string ClientSecret;
static PaypalConfiguration()
var config = GetConfig();
ClientId = config["clientId"];
ClientSecret = config["clientSecret"];
// getting properties from the web.config
public static Dictionary<string, string> GetConfig()
return ConfigManager.Instance.GetProperties();
private static string GetAccessToken()
// getting access token from paypal
string accessToken = new OAuthTokenCredential
(ClientId, ClientSecret, GetConfig()).GetAccessToken();
return accessToken;
public static APIContext GetAPIContext()
// return apicontext object by invoking it with the accesstoken
APIContext apiContext = new APIContext(GetAccessToken());
apiContext.Config = GetConfig();
return apiContext;
public bool RefundCapturedAmount(string captureId, int goodRequestId)
var Request = _goodRequestService.GetUserRequest(UserId.Value, goodRequestId);
APIContext apiContext = PaypalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();
Capture capture = Capture.Get(apiContext, captureId);
Amount amount = new Amount();
amount.currency = "USD";
amount.total = Convert.ToString(Request.Obj.CustomerCost);
new Details { tax = "0", shipping = "0" };
Refund refund = new Refund
amount = amount
refund = capture.Refund(apiContext, refund);
string state = refund.state;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
private Capture CapturePayment(APIContext apiContext, string payerId, string paymentId, PayPal.Api.Authorization authorization, int UserId = 0, int goodRequestId = 0)
int tempGoodRequestId = (int)Session["goodRequestId"];
var getUserRequestResult = _goodRequestService.GetUserRequest(UserId, tempGoodRequestId);
var capture = new Capture()
amount = new Amount()
currency = "USD",
total = Convert.ToString(getUserRequestResult.Obj.CustomerCost)
is_final_capture = true
var responseCapture = authorization.Capture(apiContext, capture);
return responseCapture;
public ActionResult Pay(int goodRequestId = 0)
if (goodRequestId > 0)
var Request = _goodRequestService.GetUserRequest(UserId.Value, goodRequestId);
if (Request != null && Request.Obj.StatusId == 5)
return RedirectToAction("Request", "Booking", new { id = goodRequestId });
APIContext apiContext = PaypalConfiguration.GetAPIContext();
PayResult result = new PayResult();
string payerId = Request.Params["PayerID"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(payerId))
if (goodRequestId > 0)
Session["goodRequestId"] = goodRequestId;
string baseURI = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority +
var guid = Convert.ToString((new Random()).Next(100000));
var createdPayment = CreatePayment(apiContext, baseURI + "guid=" + guid, UserId.Value, goodRequestId);
var links = createdPayment.links.GetEnumerator();
string paypalRedirectUrl = null;
while (links.MoveNext())
Links lnk = links.Current;
if (lnk.rel.ToLower().Trim().Equals("approval_url"))
paypalRedirectUrl = lnk.href;
Session.Add(guid, createdPayment.id);
return Redirect(paypalRedirectUrl);
var guid = Request.Params["guid"];
// Using the information from the redirect, setup the payment to execute.
var paymentId = Session[guid] as string;
var paymentExecution = new PaymentExecution() { payer_id = payerId };
var payment = new Payment() { id = paymentId };
// Execute authorization.
var executedPayment = payment.Execute(apiContext, paymentExecution);// Execute the payment
// Capture authorization object
var authorization = executedPayment.transactions[0].related_resources[0].authorization;//get Authorization to get payment
//capture payment
var capture = CapturePayment(apiContext, payerId, paymentId, authorization, UserId.Value, goodRequestId);//Capture Payment here
if (executedPayment.state.ToLower() == "approved")
goodRequestId = (int)Session["goodRequestId"];
_goodRequestService.SeekerPaidUserRequest(UserId.Value, goodRequestId);
var getUserRequestResult = _goodRequestService.GetUserRequest(UserId.Value, goodRequestId);
var item = _itemDataService.GetItem(getUserRequestResult.Obj.GoodId);
var send = _sendMessageService.SendPaymentEmailTemplate(executedPayment, getUserRequestResult, item.Obj.GoodImageUrl);
PaypalPayment paydetail = GetPayDetail(executedPayment, authorization, capture, UserId.Value, item.Obj.User.Id);
var data = _paymentService.SaveUpdatePaypalPayment(paydetail);
result.IsError = false;
result.Message = "Success";
result.GoodRequestId = goodRequestId;
result.MailSend = send;
return View(result);
result.IsError = true;
result.Message = "Failed";
result.GoodRequestId = goodRequestId;
result.MailSend = false;
return View(result);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
private PaypalPayment GetPayDetail(Payment payment, PayPal.Api.Authorization authorization, Capture capture, int payerID, int payeeId)
PaypalPayment detail = new PaypalPayment();
detail.PaymentPayId = payment.id;
detail.GoodRequestId = (int)Session["goodRequestId"];
detail.PayerId = Convert.ToString(payerID);
detail.PayeeId = Convert.ToString(payeeId);
detail.PaymentCart = payment.cart;
detail.PaymentStatus = payment.state;
detail.PaymentCreatedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(payment.create_time);
detail.PaymentIntent = payment.intent;
detail.PaymentUpdateDate = Convert.ToDateTime(payment.update_time);
detail.PaymentInvoiceNumber = payment.transactions[0].invoice_number;
detail.AuthorizationCreatedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(authorization.create_time);
detail.AuthorizationId = authorization.id;
detail.AuthorizationCount = 1;
detail.AuthorizationStatus = authorization.state;
detail.AuthorizationUpdateDate = Convert.ToDateTime(authorization.update_time);
detail.AuthorizationValidUntill = Convert.ToDateTime(authorization.valid_until);
detail.CaptureCreatedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(capture.create_time);
detail.CaptureId = capture.id;
detail.CaptureIsFinal = false;
detail.CaptureStatus = capture.state;
detail.CaptureUpdateDate = Convert.ToDateTime(capture.update_time);
detail.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
detail.ModDate = DateTime.Now;
detail.CreateBy = Convert.ToInt32(UserId);
detail.ModBy = Convert.ToInt32(UserId);
return detail;
private Payment ExecutePayment(APIContext apiContext, string payerId, string paymentId)
var paymentExecution = new PaymentExecution() { payer_id = payerId };
var payment = new Payment() { id = paymentId };
return payment.Execute(apiContext, paymentExecution);
private Payment CreatePayment(APIContext apiContext, string redirectUrl, int userid, int goodrequestid)
var getUserRequestResult = _goodRequestService.GetUserRequest(userid, goodrequestid);
//similar to credit card create itemlist and add item objects to it
var itemList = new ItemList() { items = new List<Item>() };
itemList.items.Add(new Item()
name = getUserRequestResult.Obj.GoodName,
currency = "USD",
price = Convert.ToString(getUserRequestResult.Obj.CustomerCost),
quantity = "1",
sku = "sku"
var payer = new Payer() { payment_method = "paypal" };
// Configure Redirect Urls here with RedirectUrls object
var redirUrls = new RedirectUrls()
cancel_url = redirectUrl,
return_url = redirectUrl
// similar as we did for credit card, do here and create details object
//var details = new Details()
// tax = "0.20",
// shipping = Convert.ToString(getUserRequestResult.Obj.SecurityDeposit),
// subtotal = Convert.ToString(getUserRequestResult.Obj.SharerCost),
// similar as we did for credit card, do here and create amount object
var amount = new Amount()
currency = "USD",
total = Convert.ToString(getUserRequestResult.Obj.CustomerCost), // Total must be equal to sum of shipping, tax and subtotal.
//details = details
var transactionList = new List<Transaction>();
transactionList.Add(new Transaction()
description = "Transaction description.",
invoice_number = Convert.ToString((new Random()).Next(100000)),
amount = amount,
item_list = itemList
var payment = new Payment()
intent = "authorize",
payer = payer,
transactions = transactionList,
redirect_urls = redirUrls
// Create a payment using a APIContext
return payment.Create(apiContext);