C ++如何完成“ dir”和“ search”的if命令功能?

时间:2019-12-05 07:15:13

标签: c++ operating-system

这是我正在制作的OS的代码,我停留在主程序上。 如何完成if语句? 这些类是sdisk,Filesys,Shell和Table

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

---- sdisk类----

class Sdisk{
    Sdisk(string diskname, int numberofblocks, int blocksize);
int getblock(int blocknumber, string& buffer);
    int putblock(int blocknumber, string buffer);
    int getnumberofblocks();
    int getblocksize();
    string getdiskname();
    string diskname;
    int numberofblocks;
    int blocksize;

---- filesys类----

class Filesys:public Sdisk
public :
Filesys(string filename, int numberofblocks, int blocksize);
int fsclose();
int fssynch();
int newfile(string file);
int rmfile(string file);
int getfirstblock(string file);
int addblock(string file, string buffer);
int delblock(string file, int blocknumber);
int readblock(string file, int blocknumber, string& buffer);
int writeblock(string file, int blocknumber, string buffer);    
int nextblock(string file, int blocknumber);
    vector<string> block(string buffer, int b);
vector<string> ls();

private :
    int rootsize;
int fatsize;
vector<string> filename;
vector<int> firstblock;
vector<int> fat;

---- shell类-

class Shell:public Filesys{
Shell(string diskname,int blocksize, int numberofblocks);
int dir();
int add(string file);
int del(string file);
int type(string file);
int copy(string file1,string file2);


class Table:public Filesys{
Table(string filename,int numberofblocks,int blocksize,string flatfile,string indexfile);
int Build_Table(string input_file);
int Search(string value);

string flatfile;
string indexfile;
int numberofrecords;
int IndexSearch(string value);

---这是我遇到麻烦的地方--- -----我如何调用ls()函数----

int main()

Sdisk sdisk = Sdisk("sdisk.txt", 256, 128);
Filesys fsys = Filesys("sdisk.txt", 256, 128);
Shell shell = Shell("sdisk.txt", 256, 128);
Table table = Table("disk1", 256, 128, "flatfile", "indexfile");

string s;
string command = "go";
string op1, op2;

while (command != "quit")
    cout << "$";
    getline(cin, s);
    int firstblank = s.find(' ');
    if (firstblank < s.length()) s[firstblank] = '#';
    int secondblank = s.find(' ');
    command = s.substr(0, firstblank);
    if (firstblank < s.length())
        op1 = s.substr(firstblank + 1, secondblank - firstblank - 1);
    if (secondblank < s.length())
        op2 = s.substr(secondblank + 1);
    if (command == "dir")
        // use the ls function

    if (command == "search")

        // The variable op1 is the date

    if (command == "add")
        // The variable op1 is the new file
    if (command == "del")
        // The variable op1 is the file

    if (command == "type")
        // The variable op1 is the file

    if (command == "copy")
        // The variable op1 is the source file and the variable op2 is the destination file.


return 0;


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