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public class 002PA4
public static void main(String[] args)
LaptopInventory linv = new LaptopInventory();
linv.processLaptops(); linv.displayLaptops();
public class Laptop {
private Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);//scanner gets information from keyboard
private String laptopName = " ";// variable to hold laptopName
private double laptopCost = 0.0;// variable to hold laptopCost
private int laptopQty = 0;// variable to hold laptopQty
public Laptop(){}//Empty laptop constructor
//Overloaded laptop constructor; accepts the data for all the fields
public Laptop(String laptopName, double laptopCost, int laptopQty)
//Set class variables equal to parameter values
laptopName = laptopName;
laptopCost = laptopCost;
laptopQty = laptopQty;
}//END Laptop(String laptopName, double laptopCost, int laptopQty)
//Prompts for the name of the laptop
public void setLaptop(int laptopNumber)
System.out.printf("%nEnter laptop no. %d:", laptopNumber);
laptopName = input.nextLine();
}//END setLaptop(int laptopNumber)
//Prompts for the cost of the laptop
public void setLaptopCost()
System.out.printf("%nEnter the cost for the %s: ", laptopName);
laptopCost = input.nextDouble();
}//END setLaptopCost()
//Prompts for the number of laptops to be added to inventory
public void setLaptopQty()
System.out.printf("%nAdding how many %s to the inventory? ", laptopName);
laptopQty = input.nextInt();
}//END public void setLaptopQty()
//Returns laptop name
public String getLaptopName()
return laptopName;
}//END getLaptopName()
//Returns laptop cost
public double getLaptopCost()
return laptopCost;
}//END getLaptopCost()
//Returns laptop qty
public int getLaptopQty()
return laptopQty;
}//END getLaptopQty()
//Returns inventory cost
public double getInventoryCost()
return laptopCost * laptopQty;//Multiply laptopCost by laptopQty to get the inventory cost
}//END getInventoryCost()
}//END class Laptop
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Calendar;
public class LaptopInventory
private Laptop laptops[];
Calendar dateTime = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean print = false;
Laptop laps= new Laptop();
public LaptopInventory()
public void processLaptops()
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
char choice = 0;
String laptop = " ";
int laptopQty = 0;
double laptopCost = 0;
int size = 0;
System.out.printf("%nAre there laptops to be added to inventory? Enter 'Y' or 'N': ");
choice = input.nextLine().charAt(0);
if(Character.toUpperCase(choice) == 'N')
System.out.printf("Thank You! Exiting Program.%n");
System.out.printf("%nHow many different laptops to add to inventory? ");
size = input.nextInt();
laptops = new Laptop[size];
print = true;
}//END else do processLaptops
public void displayLaptops()
String laptopInventory = "";
double total = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < laptops.length; i++)
case 0://For $ sign
laptopInventory += String.format("%n%-30s %,9d @ $%,8.2f ea. %8s $%,17.2f",
laptops[i].getLaptopCost()," ",
default://For no $ sign
laptopInventory += String.format("%n%-30s %,9d @ $%,8.2f ea. %9s %,17.2f",
laptops[i].getLaptopCost()," ",
total += laptops[i].getInventoryCost();
laptopInventory += String.format("%n%n%27s TOTAL COST OF LAPTOP INVENTORY " + "%6s $%,17.2f%n","","",total);
if(print == true)
System.out.printf("%n%nLAPTOP INVENTORY AS OF %TB %Td, %TY\n", dateTime, dateTime, dateTime);
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