我在sql server中有一个100列的表,我想这样做,因此并不是所有的列都需要在文件中传递来加载。我已经在表中分配了列名,然后该表将比较哈希表中的列以查找匹配的列。然后,我根据要用于从文件插入数据的数组的匹配关系创建代码。问题是,它不喜欢调用一个变量来创建自定义对象。
我将以下内容存储在数组中。 (最多100个,以下为示例(例如,略过sqlcolumn2))。
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($obj.P1) -eq $true) {$null} else {"$obj.P1"}
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($obj.P2) -eq $true) {$null} else {"$obj.P2"}
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($obj.P3) -eq $true) {$null} else {"$obj.P3"}
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($obj.P4) -eq $true) {$null} else {"$obj.P4"}
foreach($line in $Final)
$DataRow = "$($line."TableColumnName") = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty(`$obj.$($line."PName")) -eq `$true) {`$null} else {`"`$obj.$($line."PName")`"}"
$DataArray += $DataRow
foreach ($obj in $data2)
$test = [PSCustomObject] @{
$DataArray = Invoke-Expression $DataArray
Function ArrayCompare() {
$Hash = @{}
foreach ($Data In $Array1) {
$Hash[$Data.$A1Match] += ,$Data
foreach ($Data In $Array2) {
$Hash[$Data.$A2Match] += ,$Data
foreach ($KeyValue In $Hash.GetEnumerator()){
$Match1, $Match2 = $KeyValue.Value.Where( {$_.$A1Match}, 'Split')
MatchValue = $KeyValue.Key
A1Matches = $Match1.Count
A2Matches = $Match2.Count
TablePosition = [int]$Match2.TablePosition
TableColumnName = $Match2.TableColumnName
# PName is the P(##) that is a generic ascending column value back to import-excel module. ColumnA = P1, ColumnB = P2 etc..until no data is detected. Allows flexibility and not having to know how many columns there are
PName = $Match1.Name}
$Server = 'ServerName'
$Catalog = 'DBName'
$DestinationTable = 'ImportIntoTableName'
$FileIdentifierID = 10
$FileName = 'Test.xlsx'
$FilePath = 'C:\'
$FullFilePath = $FilePath + $FileName
$data = Import-Excel -Path $FullFilePath -NoHeader -StartRow 1 # Import-
Excel Module for working with xlsx excel files
$data2 = Import-Excel -Path $ullFilePath -NoHeader -StartRow 2 # Import-
Excel Module for working with xlsx excel files
$ExpectedHeaderArray = @()
$HeaderArray = @()
$DataArray = @()
$HeaderDetect = @()
$HeaderDetect = $data | Select-Object -First 1 # Header Row In File
$HeaderDetect |
ForEach-Object {
$ColumnValue = $_
$ColumnValue |
Get-Member -MemberType *Property |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name |
ForEach-Object {
$HeaderValues = [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = $_
Value = $ColumnValue.$_}
$HeaderArray += $HeaderValues
# Query below provides a list of all expected file headers and the table
column name they map to
$Query = "SELECT TableColumnName, FileHeaderName, TablePosition FROM
dbo.FileHeaders WHERE FileIdentifierID = $($FileIdentifierID)"
$ds = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $Server -Database $Catalog -Query $Query
-OutputAs DataSet
$ExpectedHeaderArray = foreach($Row in $ds.Tables[0].Rows)
new-object psObject -Property @{
TableColumnName = "$($row.TableColumnName)"
FileHeaderName = "$($row.FileHeaderName)"
TablePosition = "$($row.TablePosition)"
#Use Function Above
#Bring it together so we know what P(##) goes with which header in file/mapped to table column name
$Result = ArrayCompare -Array1 $HeaderArray -A1Match Value -Array2 $ExpectedHeaderArray -A2Match FileHeaderName
$Final = $Result | sort TablePosition
foreach($Line in $Final)
$DataRow = "$($Line."TableColumnName") = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty(`$obj.$($Line."PName")) -eq `$true) {`$null} else {`"`$obj.$($Line."PName"))`"}"
$DataArray += $DataRow
# The output below is what the code inside the last array would be that I would use to import into excel.
# The goal is to be dynamic and match headers in the file to the stored header value and import into a table (mapped from header column to table column name)
# The reason for this is before I was here, there were many different "versions" of a layout that was given out. In the end, it is all one in the same
# but some send all 100 columns, some only send a handful, some send 80 etc. I am trying to have everything flow through here vs. 60+ pieces of code/stored procedures/ssis packs
Write-Output $DataArray
# Output Sample -- Note how in the sample, P2 and subsequent skip SQLColumn2 because P2 maps to the header value of position 3 in the sql table and each after is one off.
# In this example, SqlColumn2 would not be populated
# SqlColumn1 = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($obj.P1) -eq $true) {$null} else {"$obj.P1"}
# SqlColumn3 = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($obj.P2) -eq $true) {$null} else {"$obj.P2"}
# SqlColumn4 = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($obj.P3) -eq $true) {$null} else {"$obj.P3"}
# SqlColumn5 = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($obj.P4) -eq $true) {$null} else {"$obj.P4"}
# I know this doesn't work. This is where I'm stuck, how to build an array now off of this output from above
foreach ($obj in $data2)
$test = [PSCustomObject] @{
$DataArray = Invoke-Expression $DataArray}
答案 0 :(得分:1)
| | A | B | C |
| 1 | HeaderA | HeaderB | HeaderC |
| 2 | Value P | Value Q | Value R |
| 3 | Value S | Value T | Value U |
+ ColumnW | ColumnX | ColumnY | ColumnZ |
+ ....... | ....... | ....... | ....... |
| TableColumnName | FileHeaderName | TablePosition |
| ColumnW | HeaderA | 1 |
| ColumnY | HeaderB | 2 |
| ColumnZ | HeaderC | 3 |
+ ColumnW | ColumnX | ColumnY | ColumnZ |
+ Value P | null | Value Q | Value R |
+ Value S | null | Value T | Value U |
$data = Import-Excel -Path ".\MySpreadsheet.xlsx";
write-host ($data | ft | out-string);
# HeaderA HeaderB HeaderC
# ------- ------- -------
# Value P Value Q Value R
# Value S Value T Value U
$mappings = new-object System.Data.DataTable;
$null = $mappings.Columns.Add("TableColumnName", [string]);
$null = $mappings.Columns.Add("FileHeaderName", [string]);
$null = $mappings.Columns.Add("TablePosition", [int]);
@{ "TableColumnName"="ColumnW"; "FileHeaderName"="HeaderA"; "TablePosition"=1 },
@{ "TableColumnName"="ColumnY"; "FileHeaderName"="HeaderB"; "TablePosition"=2 },
@{ "TableColumnName"="ColumnZ"; "FileHeaderName"="HeaderC"; "TablePosition"=3 }
) | % {
$row = $mappings.NewRow();
$row.TableColumnName = $_.TableColumnName;
$row.FileHeaderName = $_.FileHeaderName;
$row.TablePosition = $_.TablePosition;
$ds = new-object System.Data.DataSet;
write-host ($ds.Tables[0] | ft | out-string)
# TableColumnName FileHeaderName TablePosition
# --------------- -------------- -------------
# ColumnW HeaderA 1
# ColumnY HeaderB 2
# ColumnZ HeaderC 3
$values = @();
foreach( $row in $data )
$properties = [ordered] @{};
foreach( $mapping in $mappings )
$properties.Add($mapping.TableColumnName, $row."$($mapping.FileHeaderName)");
$values += new-object PSCustomObject -Property $properties;
write-host ($values | ft | out-string)
# ColumnW ColumnY ColumnZ
# ------- ------- -------
# Value P Value Q Value R
# Value S Value T Value U
棘手的位是$properties.Add($mapping.TableColumnName, $row."$($mapping.FileHeaderName)");
PS> $myValue = new-object PSCustomObject -Property @{ "aaa"="bbb"; "ccc"="ddd" }
PS> $myValue."aaa"
PS> $myProperty = "aaa"
PS> $myValue.$myProperty
中名为{em> 的$mapping.FileHeaderName