Joomla 3.将文章的第一张图片设置为介绍图片

时间:2019-11-29 16:46:01

标签: php joomla

7moHi, 我有joomla 3,我想将文章的第一张图片设置为类别博客替代中的介绍图片。 我有一个插件,可抓取文章的第一张图片并将其设置在og图片元标记中。我认为我们可以将这个功能用于我的问题。 这是插件的代码

WebDriver webdriver = new ChromeDriver();


// Image
     $pictures = '';
     if (isset($row->images)) {
        //$pictures = json_decode($row->images);
        $pictures = (is_string($row->images) ? json_decode($row->images) : $row->images);

     $imgSet = 0;

     if ($this->params->get('image'.$suffix, '') != '' && $parameterImage == 1) {
        $this->renderTag('og:image', $this->setImage($this->params->get('image'.$suffix, '')), $type);
        $imgSet = 1;
     } else if ($thisImg != ''){
        $this->renderTag('og:image', $this->setImage($thisImg), $type);
        $imgSet = 1;
     } else if (isset($pictures->{'image_intro'}) && $pictures->{'image_intro'} != '') {
        $this->renderTag('og:image', $this->setImage($pictures->{'image_intro'}), $type);
        $imgSet = 1;
     } else if (isset($pictures->{'image_fulltext'}) && $pictures->{'image_fulltext'} != '') {
        $this->renderTag('og:image', $this->setImage($pictures->{'image_fulltext'}), $type);
        $imgSet = 1;
     } else {
        // Try to find image in article

        $fulltext = '';
        if (isset($row->fulltext) && $row->fulltext != '') {
           $fulltext = $row->fulltext;
        $introtext = '';
        if (isset($row->introtext) && $row->introtext != '') {
           $introtext = $row->introtext;
        $content = $introtext . $fulltext;
        preg_match('/< *img[^>]*src *= *["\']?([^"\']*)/i', $content, $src);
        if (isset($src[1]) && $src[1] != '') {
           $this->renderTag('og:image', $this->setImage($src[1]), $type);
           //$this->renderTag('og:image', JURI::base(false).$src[1], $type);
           $imgSet = 1;

        // Try to find image in images/phocaopengraph folder
        if ($imgSet == 0) {
           if (isset($row->id) && (int)$row->id > 0) {

              jimport( 'joomla.filesystem.file' );
              $imgPath   = '';
              $path       = JPATH_ROOT . '/images/phocaopengraph/';
              if (JFile::exists($path . '/' . (int)$row->id.'.jpg')) {
                 $imgPath = 'images/phocaopengraph/'.(int)$row->id.'.jpg';
              } else if (JFile::exists($path . '/' . (int)$row->id.'.png')) {
                 $imgPath = 'images/phocaopengraph/'.(int)$row->id.'.png';
              } else if (JFile::exists($path . '/' . (int)$row->id.'.gif')) {
                 $imgPath = 'images/phocaopengraph/'.(int)$row->id.'.gif';

              if ($imgPath != '') {
                 $this->renderTag('og:image', $this->setImage($imgPath), $type);
                 $imgSet = 1;

     // If still image not set and parameter Image is set as last, then try to add the parameter image
     if ($imgSet == 0 && $this->params->get('image'.$suffix, '') != '' && $parameterImage == 0) {
        $this->renderTag('og:image', $this->setImage($this->params->get('image'.$suffix, '')), $type);

     // END IMAGE

但是我不能出于我的目的修改代码。 在覆盖eof模板中,我还发现了 <div class="image-intro"> <?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.intro_image', $this->item); ?> <div> 该认为显示全文。 我可以抓取文章的第一张图片并插入介绍性文字吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

preg_match('/<img.+src=[\'"](?P<src>.+?)[\'"].*>/i', $texthtml, $image);
 echo '<img src="' . $imgkk. ' ">'
