是否可以使Watson Assistant在IBM Cloudant上搜索数据?

时间:2019-11-22 21:11:41

标签: ibm-watson cloudant watson-assistant

我正在使用IBM Watson Assistant开发聊天机器人。因为该项目仍处于初期阶段,所以我仍在使用免费计划。直到几周前,当我碰到一堵砖墙时,一切工作都相对良好。




所以,我不得不问:是否可以使Watson Assistant与Cloudant连接?



1)This is Cloudant's overview page. Here, I copied the external endpoint.

2)The, I opened my assistant, called "Teste_BD", and pasted the endpoint in the URL field in order to set it up as a webhook

3)In this screen, I gave full adm permissions to my Test_BD Assistant

4)Here is where I created a node to test. The idea is as simple as it gets: it will enter by recognizing the "Test" intent as soon as I type "hi". It is supposed to search for any of the keys set and save on the "$result" variable...

5)... then, it is supposed to print the result on a sentence. In this case, it is meant to print the "id" number if it is found or print anything else the variable might have store in the "anything_else" condition.

6)And that's when the error is triggered. As I said there is no log to consult, despite the error message clearly saying so...

7)... the best I could get, is this.

8)Also, as you can see, the system just associate the value "null" for the variable


10)它触发了另一条错误消息,指出URL无效,因此,至少我得到了我的助手确认Cloudant URL有效的确认。

1 个答案:

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您可以将webhooks用于此类操作。如果您可以共享来自cloudant API的完整错误消息,可能会有所帮助。同样,有关如何设置网络挂钩的任何屏幕截图也可能会有所帮助。