// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Alex Orekhov (everget)
// Volatility Ratio script may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
_highest(length, start) =>
out = nz(high[start])
for i = start + 1 to length - 1
prev = nz(high[i])
out := out < prev ? prev : out
_lowest(length, start) =>
out = nz(low[start])
for i = start + 1 to length - 1
prev = nz(low[i])
out := out > prev ? prev : out
max = max(_highest(length, 1), close[length + 1])
min = min(_lowest(length, 1), close[length + 1])
vr = tr(true) / (max - min)
for row in candlesticks.itertuples():
current_index = candlesticks.index.get_loc(row.Index)
if current_index >= 1:
previous_close = candlesticks.iloc[current_index - 1, candlesticks.columns.get_loc('close')]
candlesticks.iloc[current_index, candlesticks.columns.get_loc('ttr')] = max(
row.high - row.low,
abs(row.high - previous_close),
abs(row.low - previous_close))
if current_index > 14:
candlesticks.iloc[current_index, candlesticks.columns.get_loc('vr_14')] = candlesticks.iloc[current_index, candlesticks.columns.get_loc('ttr')] / (
max(candlesticks.high[current_index - 13: current_index].max(), candlesticks.close[current_index - 15]) - min(
candlesticks.low[current_index - 13: current_index].min(), candlesticks.close[current_index - 15]))
if current_index > 10:
candlesticks.iloc[current_index, candlesticks.columns.get_loc('vr_10')] = candlesticks.iloc[current_index, candlesticks.columns.get_loc('ttr')] / (
max(candlesticks.high[current_index - 9: current_index].max(), candlesticks.close[current_index - 11]) - min(
candlesticks.low[current_index - 9: current_index].min(), candlesticks.close[current_index - 11]))
if current_index > 7:
candlesticks.iloc[current_index, candlesticks.columns.get_loc('vr_7')] = candlesticks.iloc[current_index, candlesticks.columns.get_loc('ttr')] / (
max(candlesticks.high[current_index - 6: current_index].max(), candlesticks.close[current_index - 8]) - min(
candlesticks.low[current_index - 6: current_index].min(), candlesticks.close[current_index - 8]))