#Filename: main.R (https://github.com/RaphaelCouronne/Benchmark_RF-LR_OpenML/blob/v0.9/main.R)
rm(list = ls())
# If possible increase memory used
options( java.parameters = "-Xmx8g" )
# Check that all packages can be loaded
# Enter here nCores and myapikey
nCores = 3 # number of cores you want to use
myapikey = "7a4391537f767ea70db6af99497653e5" #OpenML API key
saveOMLConfig(apikey = myapikey, arff.reader = "RWeka", overwrite=TRUE)
## 1 Benchmark Study ======================================================================================
## I.1 Data Mining ----
# Get the tasks from OpenML
# Generates Data/OpenML/df.infos.RData which gives information about the processing of the datasets
# Generates Data/Results/clas_time.RData which contains information about our dataset pool
# Options
# force = TRUE to force (re)computing of ALL dataset informations
# computeTime = TRUE to compute an estimate of training time for LR and RF. It may take up to several days
source(file = "Benchmark/benchmark_getDataOpenML.R")
get_data_OpenML(target_path = "Data/OpenML/clas_time.RData", force = FALSE, computeTime = FALSE)
## 1.2 Benchmark computation ---
# Batchtools implementation
#source(file = "Benchmark/benchmark-batchtools.R")
#clas_used = rbind(clas_time_small, clas_time_medium, clas_time_big)
# Set up the benchmark (delete current results)
#setBatchtoolsExperiment(seed = 1, ncpus = 3, clas_used = clas_used)
#regis = loadRegistry("Data/Results/Batchtools/batchtool_experiment//")
# Launch benchmark
#submitJobs(ids = 1:193, reg = regis) #small datasets
#submitJobs(ids = 194:231, reg = regis) #medium datasets
#submitJobs(ids = 232:278, reg = regis) #big datasets
# Check benchmark
regis = loadRegistry("Data/Results/Batchtools/batchtool_experiment//") load("Data/OpenML/clas_time.RData")
#File name: benchmark_getDataOpenML.R (https://github.com/RaphaelCouronne/Benchmark_RF-LR_OpenML/blob/v0.9/Benchmark/benchmark_getDataOpenML.R)
# Remove non usefull datasets using the tasks attributes
# Load all the datasets, test them, compute their dimension and computation time
get_data_OpenML <- function(target_path = "Data/Results/clas_time.RData", force = FALSE, computeTime = FALSE, seed = 1) {
print("Begin Datamining OpenML", quote = FALSE)
# =============================
# Part 1 : Get the basic informations
# ============================= ----
print("1. Load the tasks", quote = FALSE)
Load the classification tasks informations if it does not exist yet
tasks = listOMLTasks(limit = NULL)
classifTasks.infos = subset(tasks, task.type == "Supervised Classification" & # classification
number.of.classes == 2 & # binary classification
number.of.instances.with.missing.values == 0) # no missing values
save(classifTasks.infos, file = "Data/OpenML/classifTasks.infos.RData" )
# We work with the given data from OpenML
datasets.index = sort(unique(classifTasks.infos$data.id))
clas = classifTasks.infos
print(paste(" Number of datasets for supervised binary classification without missing values :", dim(clas)[1]), quote = FALSE)
# =============================
# Part 2 : Select datasets using OpenML task features
# =============================
print("2. Remove datasets using the tasks features", quote = FALSE)
# remove the redundancies : 470 datasets
clas = clas[order(clas$data.id),]
logic = diff(clas$data.id)>0
clas = clas[logic,]
print(paste(" Number of datasets after removing the redundacies of datasets's IDs :", dim(clas)[1]), quote = FALSE)
# Friedman-, volcanoes- und trX-Datasets : 393 datasets
clas = clas[substr(clas$name,1,9) != "volcanoes" & substr(clas$name,1,4) != "fri_" & substr(clas$name,1,3) != "tr1" & substr(clas$name,1,3) != "tr2" & substr(clas$name,1,3) != "tr3" & substr(clas$name,1,3) != "tr4", ]
print(paste(" Number of datasets after removing the obviously simulated datasets :", dim(clas)[1]), quote = FALSE)
print(" Datasets removed : Friedman, volcanoes, TrX-Datasets", quote = FALSE)
# remove the datasets with the same name, they correspond often to datasets with only very slight changes : 380 datasets
doublon = names(sort(table(clas$name)[table(clas$name) > 1]))
doublon = clas[clas$name %in% doublon,]
doublon = doublon[order(doublon$name), ]
diff.categorical <- function(x) {
x = as.factor(x)
n = length(x)
res = rep(NA,n)
res[1] = TRUE
for (i in c(2:n)) {
res[i] = !identical(x[i-1],x[i])
res = res*1
indexDuplicate.useful = which(diff.categorical(doublon$name)==1)
indexDuplicate.notuseful = which(diff.categorical(doublon$name)==0)
task.id.notuseful = doublon$task.id[indexDuplicate.notuseful]
indexclas.notuseful = which(clas$task.id %in% task.id.notuseful)
clas = clas[-indexclas.notuseful,]
print(paste(" Number of datasets after removing the redundancies in dataset's names:", dim(clas)[1]), quote = FALSE)
# Removing High dimentional datasets : 326 datasets
index.highdimension = which(clas$number.of.features>clas$number.of.instances)
clas= clas[-index.highdimension,]
print(paste(" Number of datasets after removing the high dimentional datasets p>n:", dim(clas)[1]), quote = FALSE)
# Ordering according to size (n*p)
clas = clas[order(clas$number.of.features * clas$number.of.instances), ]
# =============================
# Part 3 : Loading the datasets
# ============================= ----
print("3. Load the datasets for analysis", quote = FALSE)
print(" Testing the datasets ", quote = FALSE)
# categorical target and test loading the datas ----
n.row = nrow(clas)
if (file.exists("Data/OpenML/df.infos.RData") && !force) {
print(" File \"Data/OpenML/df.infos.RData\" has been found and loaded, it will not be recomputed", quote = FALSE)
# laod the file
load(file = "Data/OpenML/df.infos.RData")
# check integrity of datasets
if (!identical(clas$data.id,df.infos$data.id)) {
print(" Difference between df.infos and clas", quote = FALSE)
# reorganise the data.id
notcomputed = subset(clas, select = c("data.id", "task.id",
"number.of.instances","number.of.features"))[which(!clas$data.id %in% df.infos$data.id),]
df.infos.new = data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(df.infos$data.id) + length(notcomputed$data.id), ncol = 15))
names(df.infos.new) = c("index", "data.id", "task.id","n","p", "began", "done",
"loaded","converted", "target_type", "dimension",
"rf_time", "lr_time", "rf_NA", "lr_NA")
df.infos.new[c(1:length(df.infos$data.id)),] = df.infos
df.infos.new[c((length(df.infos$data.id)+1):length(df.infos.new$data.id)),c(2,3,4,5)] = notcomputed
df.infos.new = df.infos.new[order(df.infos.new$data.id),]
df.infos.new = df.infos.new[order(df.infos.new$n*df.infos.new$p),]
df.infos.new$index = c(1:length(df.infos.new$index))
df.infos = df.infos.new
} else {
print(" Creating a new df.infos, total computation should last 1-2 days", quote = FALSE)
# Create new df.infos
df.infos = data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = n.row, ncol = 15))
names(df.infos) = c("index", "data.id", "task.id","n","p", "began", "done",
"loaded","converted", "target_type", "dimension",
"rf_time", "lr_time", "rf_NA", "lr_NA")
df.infos$index = c(1:n.row)
df.infos$data.id = clas$data.id
df.infos$n = clas$number.of.instances
df.infos$p = clas$number.of.features
if (file.exists("Data/OpenML/df.infos.Rout")) {file.remove("Data/OpenML/df.infos.Rout")}
index.not.done = which(is.na(df.infos$done))
# If there are new datasets, try loading, conversion, computation of dimension, and time
if (!(identical(index.not.done, integer(0)))) {
df.infos.file <- file("Data/OpenML/df.infos.Rout", open = "w")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = length(index.not.done), style = 3)
for(index in c(1:length(index.not.done))){
# Index
j = index.not.done[index]
# begin
df.infos$began[j] = TRUE
# Try
# Loading the dataset
omldataset = getOMLDataSet(data.id = clas$data.id[j], verbosity = 0)
if (identical(omldataset$target.features, character(0))) {
df.infos$loaded[j] = "TRUE"
# check the target
df.infos$target_type = class(omldataset$data[, omldataset$target.features])
# Transform to mlr task
configureMlr(on.learner.error = "warn", show.learner.output = TRUE, show.info = FALSE)
mlrtask = convertOMLDataSetToMlr(omldataset, verbosity = 0)
df.infos$converted[j] = TRUE
# Get the dimension
df.infos$dimension[j] = getTaskDimension(mlrtask)
if (computeTime) {
# Compute the time for lr andrf
learners = list(makeLearner("classif.randomForest"),
rdesc = makeResampleDesc("Holdout", split = 0.8, stratify = TRUE)
configureMlr(on.learner.error = "warn", show.learner.output = TRUE, show.info = TRUE)
sink(df.infos.file, type = "message")
print(paste("Iteration",j,"dataset",clas$data.id[j]), quote = FALSE)
bmr = benchmark(learners, mlrtask, rdesc, list(acc,timetrain),
keep.pred = TRUE, models = FALSE, show.info = FALSE)
perfs = getBMRPerformances(bmr, as.df = TRUE)
time.train = sum(perfs$timetrain)
df.infos$rf_NA[j] = is.na(perfs$acc[which(perfs$learner.id=="classif.randomForest")])
df.infos$lr_NA[j] = is.na(perfs$acc[which(perfs$learner.id=="classif.logreg")])
}, error = function(e) return(paste0("The variable '", j, "'",
" caused the error: '", e, "'")))
setTxtProgressBar(pb, index)
df.infos$done[j] = TRUE
save(df.infos, file = "Data/OpenML/df.infos.RData")
# =============================
# Part 6 : Select the datasets
# ============================= ----
print("4. Remove datasets that failed", quote = FALSE)
clas_select = data.frame(clas, df.infos)
clas_select = clas_select[, -which(names(clas_select) %in% c("task.id.1", "data.id.1"))]
clas_select$time = clas_select$rf_time+clas_select$lr_time
# remove the one with loading unsuccessfull
data.id_loading_failed = clas_select$data.id[which(is.na(clas_select$loaded))]
if (!identical(which(clas_select$data.id %in% data.id_loading_failed), integer(0))) {
clas_select = clas_select[-which(clas_select$data.id %in% data.id_loading_failed),]
print(paste(" Removing the datasets which loading failed :",nrow(clas_select), "Datasets"), quote = FALSE)
# remove the one with conversion unsuccessfull
data.id_convert_failed = clas_select$data.id[which(is.na(clas_select$converted))]
if (!identical(which(clas_select$data.id %in% data.id_convert_failed), integer(0))) {
clas_select = clas_select[-which(clas_select$data.id %in% data.id_convert_failed),]
print(paste(" Removing the datasets which conversion failed :",nrow(clas_select), "Datasets"), quote = FALSE)
# =============================
# Part 6 : Save it
# =============================
clas_time = clas_select
# clas_time : small medium big and too big
# Too big dataset corresponds to a training time of lr+rf that exceeds 100s on a Holdout 80% train and 20% test on the dataset
# It corresponds to datasets such that n*p > 3000000 on our dataset pool
clas_time_small = clas_time[which(clas_time$n*clas_time$p < 20000),]
clas_time_medium = clas_time[which(clas_time$n*clas_time$p > 20000 & clas_time$n*clas_time$p < 100000) ,]
clas_time_big = clas_time[which(clas_time$n*clas_time$p > 100000 & clas_time$n*clas_time$p < 3000000) ,]
clas_time_toobig = clas_time[which(clas_time$n*clas_time$p > 3000000),]
# save it
save(clas_time, clas_time_small, clas_time_medium, clas_time_big, clas_time_toobig, file = target_path )
# gets the dimensionality of a mlr dataset associated with the given task
getTaskDimension = function(task) {
nCol = ncol(task$env$data)
nbNumeric = task$task.desc$n.feat[1]
nbFactorDimension = sum(sapply(c(1:nCol), function(x) getColumnDimension(task$env$data[,x]) ))
nbFactorDimension = nbFactorDimension - 1 # because of the added 2nd level of the target
dimension = as.integer(nbNumeric+nbFactorDimension) # because of the column target
# Get dimension column
getColumnDimension = function(col) {
res = 0
if (is.factor(col)) {
res = length(levels(col))-1
#File name:benchmark-batchtools.R (https://github.com/RaphaelCouronne/Benchmark_RF-LR_OpenML/blob/v0.9/Benchmark/benchmark-batchtools.R)
rm(list = ls())
detectCores(all.tests = FALSE, logical = TRUE)
saveOMLConfig(apikey = "7a4391537f767ea70db6af99497653e5", arff.reader = "RWeka", overwrite=TRUE)
setBatchtoolsExperiment = function(seed = 1, ncpus = 2,
nameExperiment = paste("Data/Batchtools/batchtool_experiment")) {
# which subset of dataset
omldatasets = clas_used$data.id
unlink(nameExperiment, recursive = TRUE)
regis = makeExperimentRegistry(nameExperiment, seed = seed,
packages = c("mlr", "OpenML", "methods"),
#source = paste0(dir, "/benchmark_defs.R"),
work.dir = paste0("Data/Batchtools"),
#conf.file = paste0("Data/Batchtools/.batchtools.conf.R")
regis$cluster.functions = makeClusterFunctionsMulticore(ncpus = ncpus)
# add selected OML datasets as problems
for (did in omldatasets) {
data = list(did = did)
addProblem(name = as.character(did), data = data)
# add one generic 'algo' that compares RF and LR
addAlgorithm("eval", fun = function(job, data, instance, ...) {
par.vals = list(...)
# tryCatch({
# get the dataset
omldataset = getOMLDataSet(data$did)
if (identical(omldataset$target.features, character(0))) {
task = convertOMLDataSetToMlr(omldataset)
# learners
lrn.classif.lr = makeLearner("classif.logreg", predict.type = "prob", fix.factors.prediction = TRUE)
lrn.classif.rf = makeLearner("classif.randomForest", predict.type = "prob", fix.factors.prediction = TRUE)
lrn.list = list(lrn.classif.lr,lrn.classif.rf)
# measures
measures = list(acc, brier, auc, timetrain)
rdesc = makeResampleDesc("RepCV", folds = 5, reps = 10, stratify = TRUE)
configureMlr(on.learner.error = "warn", show.learner.output = TRUE)
bmr = benchmark(lrn.list, task, rdesc, measures, keep.pred = FALSE, models = FALSE, show.info = TRUE)
#}, error = function(e) return(paste0("The variable '", data$did, "'",
# " caused the error: '", e, "'")))
# finalize experiment
# set.seed(1)
ades = data.frame(c(1))
addExperiments(algo.designs = list(eval = ades))
# # test jobs
# testJob(1, reg = regis)
# # Now submit al
# options(batchtools.progress = TRUE)
# notDone = findNotDone()
# ids = chunkIds(notDone$job.id, chunk.size = 10)
# submitJobs(ids = ids, reg = regis)
# waitForJobs(ids = c(1:50), sleep = 10, timeout = 604800, stop.on.error = FALSE, reg = getDefaultRegistry())
# resetJobs(reg = regis, ids = c(1:50))
# getStatus()
# getErrorMessages()
# res_classif_load = reduceResultsList(ids = 1:50, fun = function(r) as.list(r), reg = regis)
# getErrorMessages(ids = 1:50, missing.as.error = FALSE,
# reg = regis)
# getErrorMessages(ids = 1:50, reg = regis)
这导致了regis。我看到为了生成预测的ROC曲线,必须在基准测试结果(BenchmarkResult())上调用generateThreshVsPerfData()和plotROCCurves()。要生成ThreshVsPerfData(),我必须通过基准测试结果(即bmr)或预测。因为我无法从regis对象调用get gets bmr,所以我在generateThreshVsPerfData()内部使用了reduceResultsList()
#retrieve benchmark result
result = reduceResultsList(ids = c(c(1:284), c(286:318)), reg = regis, missing.val = NA)
Reducing [===================================================================================================>] 100% eta: 0s>
> df = generateThreshVsPerfData(result, measures = list(fpr, tpr, mmce))
Error in generateThreshVsPerfData.list(result, measures = list(fpr, tpr, :
Assertion on 'obj' failed: May only contain the following types: Prediction,ResampleResult.
#method 2
> # Extract predictions
> preds = getBMRPredictions(result, drop = TRUE)
Error in getBMRPredictions(result, drop = TRUE) :
Assertion on 'bmr' failed: Must inherit from class 'BenchmarkResult', but has class 'list'.
> # Change the class attribute
> preds2 = lapply(preds, function(x) {class(x) = "Prediction"; return(x)})
Error in lapply(preds, function(x) { : object 'preds' not found
> # Draw ROC curves
> df = generateThreshVsPerfData(preds2, measures = list(fpr, tpr, mmce))
Error in generateThreshVsPerfData(preds2, measures = list(fpr, tpr, mmce)) :
object 'preds2' not found
> plotROCCurves(df)
Error in plotROCCurves(df) :
Assertion on 'obj' failed: Must inherit from class 'ThreshVsPerfData', but has class 'function'.