因此,我正在创建一个迷宫游戏程序,但是为了使我能够真正开始编码,我应该创建一个makefile,该文件将mazes.c和mazeDisplay.c文件编译并将其链接到一个名为的可执行文件中。迷宫。 makefile应该允许make all和make clean命令正常工作,并且我还应该包括-lX11库,以便代码正确链接。
在过去的两天里,我一直在尝试编译程序并创建我的makefile,但是我什么都无法工作。我的编译器似乎无法识别什么是指针。我不断收到“ *”令牌图* computeGraph(char maze [HEIGHT] [WIDTH]){”之前的错误“错误:期望的';',','或')',我开始感到非常焦虑我的任务很快就要到期,由于这个makefile问题,我什至无法编译启动程序所需的启动程序文件。请任何帮助将不胜感激。我一直在试图做一个简单的任务时迷失了方向,我只是想不出问题出在哪里。我的makefile指令有问题吗?
GCC = gcc
all: mazes.o mazeDisplay.o
$(GCC) -o mazes mazes.o mazeDisplay.o -lX11
mazes.o: mazes.c mazeDisplay.h
$(GCC) -c mazes.c
mazeDisplay.o: mazeDisplay.c mazeDisplay.h
$(GCC) -c mazeDisplay.c
rm -f *.o mazes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "graphSet.h"
#include "mazeDisplay.h"
// Compute the graph for the given maze and add it to the given graph set.
Graph *computeGraph(char maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH]) {
// Create the initially-empty graph
// Find a starting node, then trace out the maze recursively. A starting node can be
// found by searching from top to bottom, left to right, for a non-wall maze location.
// You MUST NOT hard-code this start location ... it must be determined by your code.
// To trace out the maze recursively, you will likely want to create a recursive
// procedure that is called by this one. It should take parameters to indicate
// the location in the maze to start tracing from, the maze itself and also the node
// that led to this node (i.e., the previous one in the tree that led here). If you
// start with the root node, then the previous node should be NULL.
// As you go through the maze, make sure to mark off maze locations that you have
// visited (perhaps by putting a '2' character at that location) so that you do not
// go back to that location again and end up with infinite recursion. So you can
// stop the recursion when you reach a wall (i.e., a '0' character in the maze) or a
// '2' character. A '1' character means that it is a free space that you just arrived
// at for the first time. Make sure to check recursively in all directions. In my
// solutions (shown on the assignment), I used an ordering of up/down/left/right. So
// if you want solutions to look like mine, you should follow that ordering as well.
// As you traverse the maze, make sure to connect the previous node to the current one.
// You'll have to check which direction you can from (i.e., x and y values) so that
// you know whether it is the up/down/left or right pointer to set.
// You need not do this recursively, but it will lkely be a lot harder to do it non-
// recursively.
return NULL; // Remove this line when you write your code
// This procedure must clean up graph by removing all nodes in which the previous and
// next nodes have the same x or y value as it.
void cleanUpGraph(Node *n, Node *previousNode) {
// This is where it all begins
int main() {
char mazes[5][HEIGHT][WIDTH] = {
// Open a display window
// Allocate a GraphSet to store the graphs for each maze
GraphSet *gSet;
// Compute the graphs for each maze and add them to a Graph Set
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
Graph *g = computeGraph(mazes[i]);
// Add g to gSet properly
// ...
// Show the graphs
Graph *g; // ... set this to the first graph in gSet ...
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
drawMaze(mazes[i]); // Draw the maze
// drawGraph(g->rootNode); // Draw the graph
getchar(); // Wait for user to press enter
// cleanUpGraph(g->rootNode, NULL); // Clean up the graph
// drawMaze(mazes[i]);
// drawGraph(g->rootNode);
// ... get the next graph in the set ...
getchar(); // Wait again for the user to press ENTER before going on to the next maze
// Free up all allocated memory
// ...
// Close the display window
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "graphSet.h"
#include "mazeDisplay.h"
#define SCALE 25
// These are display-related variables
Display *display;
Window win;
GC gc;
// Draw the Maze on the window.
void drawMaze(char grid[WIDTH][HEIGHT]) {
// First erase background
XSetForeground(display, gc, 0xFFFFFF);
XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, 0, 0, 750, 750);
// Draw the grid maze
for (int y=0; y<WIDTH; y++) {
for (int x=0; x<HEIGHT; x++) {
if (grid[y][x] == '1')
XSetForeground(display, gc, 0x333333);
XSetForeground(display, gc, 0xFFFFFF);
XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, x*SCALE, y*SCALE, SCALE, SCALE);
// Draws an edge with the given color (e.g., 0x0000FF is blue)
// from cell (c1, r1) to cell (c2, r2) of the maze
void drawEdgeWithColor(int c1, int r1, int c2, int r2, int color) {
XSetForeground(display, gc, color);
XDrawLine(display, win, gc, c1*SCALE + SCALE/2, r1*SCALE + SCALE/2, c2*SCALE + SCALE/2, r2*SCALE + SCALE/2);
// Draws a node with the given color (e.g., 0x0000FF is blue)
// centered at the given cell (c1, r1) of the maze.
void drawNodeWithColor(int c1, int r1, int color) {
XSetForeground(display, gc, color);
XFillArc(display, win, gc,
11, 11, 0, 360*64);
// Draw a single graph starting at the given root node n.
void drawGraph(Node *n) {
// Quit recursion if there are no Nodes
if (n == NULL)
// Recursively draw in each direction. Draw the edges before the recursive call so that
// vertices are drawn on top of the edges
if (n->up != NULL) {
drawEdgeWithColor(n->x, n->y, n->up->x, n->up->y, 0x0000FF);
if (n->down != NULL) {
drawEdgeWithColor(n->x, n->y, n->down->x, n->down->y, 0x0000FF);
if (n->left != NULL) {
drawEdgeWithColor(n->x, n->y, n->left->x, n->left->y, 0x0000FF);
if (n->right != NULL) {
drawEdgeWithColor(n->x, n->y, n->right->x, n->right->y, 0x0000FF);
drawNodeWithColor(n->x, n->y, 0xFF0000);
// Open a display window
int openDisplayWindow() {
// Opens connection to X server
display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
// Create a simple window
win = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, // our connection to server
RootWindow(display, 0), // parent window (none in this example)
0, 0, // x,y (w.r.t. parent ... ignored here)
WIDTH*25,HEIGHT*25, // width, height
0, // border width
0x000000, // border color (ignored in this example)
0xFFFFFF); // background color = WHITE
// Set the name of the window
XStoreName(display, win, "Maze Displayer");
// Get the graphics context
gc = XCreateGC(display, win, 0, NULL);
// Make it visible
XMapWindow(display, win);
usleep(20000); // sleep for 20 milliseconds.
// Close the display window
int closeDisplayWindow() {
// Clean up and close the window
XFreeGC(display, gc);
XUnmapWindow(display, win);
XDestroyWindow(display, win);
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#define WIDTH 21
#define HEIGHT 21
// Draw the maze on the window.
extern void drawMaze(char maze[WIDTH][HEIGHT]);
// Draw the graph on the window.
extern void drawGraph(Node *firstNodeOfGraph);
// Open a display window
extern int openDisplayWindow();
// Close a display window
extern int closeDisplayWindow();
// Draws a node with the given color (e.g., 0x0000FF is blue)
// centered at the given cell (c1, r1) of the maze.
extern void drawNodeWithColor(int c1, int r1, int color);
// Draws an edge with the given color (e.g., 0x0000FF is blue)
// from cell (c1, r1) to cell (c2, r2) of the maze
extern void drawEdgeWithColor(int c1, int r1, int c2, int r2, int color);
// This struct represents a single intersection/Node in a maze. It keeps track
// of the x(i.e., column) and y (i.e. row) of the intersection in the maze
// as well as the Nodes in all 4 directions around it). NULL is used to
// indicate that no Node is beside it in a particular direction.
typedef struct nd {
int x;
int y;
struct nd *up;
struct nd *down;
struct nd *left;
struct nd *right;
} Node;
// This struct represents a single maze graph
typedef struct gr {
Node *rootNode;
struct gr *nextGraph;
} Graph;
// This struct represents a set of maze graphs
typedef struct {
Graph *firstGraph;
Graph *lastGraph;
} GraphSet;
student@COMP2401-F19:~/Desktop/Mazes$ make
gcc -c mazes.c
mazes.c:11:7: error: expected ‘;’, ‘,’ or ‘)’ before ‘*’ token
Graph *computeGraph(char maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH]) {
makefile:7: recipe for target 'mazes' failed
make: *** [mazes.o] Error 1
答案 0 :(得分:0)
all: mazes.o mazeDisplay.o
$(GCC) -o mazes maze.o mazeDisplay.o -lX11
。一旦修复,该项目就会为我编译(Mint 19 / Gcc 7.4)。运行它会显示迷宫。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
extern void drawMaze(char maze[21][21]);
extern void drawGraph(Node *firstNodeOfGraph);
extern int openDisplayWindow();
extern int closeDisplayWindow();
extern void drawNodeWithColor(int c1, int r1, int color);
extern void drawEdgeWithColor(int c1, int r1, int