<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlUploadPhoto">
<td style="text-align: right; width: 12%;" class="controlLabel">File:</td>
<td style="width: 2%;"></td>
<td style="width: 86%;">
<asp:FileUpload runat="server" ID="fuRevisionUpload" AllowMultiple="True" style="width: 100%;" CssClass="progressMessage"/>
<tr><td class="spacerRow"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="spacerRow"></td></tr>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr class="spacerRow"><td></td></tr>
<td style="width: 2%;"></td>
<td style="width: 75%;" class="progressMessage">
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblUploadingMessage" style="display: none;">Uploading file (may take a few moments) ...</asp:Label>
<td style="width: 23%;"></td>
<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlImgPreviewWM" Height="350" CssClass="flexCenter flexOn">
<td class="watermarkFont">IMAGE PREVIEW</td>
<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlImgPreviewContainer" Height="100%" CssClass="flexCenter flexOff">
<asp:Panel runat="server" ID="pnlImgPreview">
<asp:Image runat="server" ID="imgPreview" CssClass="imgPreview" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" />
C# SaveFile() method is where data duplication is happening
private void SaveFile()
//for (int i = 0; i < fuRevisionUpload.PostedFiles.Count; i++)
foreach (HttpPostedFile postedFile in fuRevisionUpload.PostedFiles)
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(postedFile.FileName);
bool isVirusFree = true;
bool vScanError = false;
string errMessage = string.Empty;
string errStackTrace = string.Empty;
// Check for known file types.
//Will need to address this as well!!
if (FileAttachmentType.GetTypeViaExtension(fi.Extension) == FileAttachmentTypes.UnknownFileType)
FileAttachmentError.LogError(postedFile.FileName, _user.WebUserID, "Unsupported file type.");
// Check for maximum file size.
if (postedFile.ContentLength > Global.MaxFileUploadSize)
FileAttachmentError.LogError(postedFile.FileName, _user.WebUserID,
string.Format("File of Unusual Size (FUS) [{0:#,##0} bytes].",
// Scan the file for viruses.
string quarantinePath =
Server.MapPath(string.Format("~/Quarantine/{0}{1}", Guid.NewGuid(), fi.Extension));
//This will need some attention!!!!!!
// Run virus scan on the file. If any errors occur, save them, and then delete the file
// from the quarantine directory.
// isVirusFree = (new ScanClient()).RunVirusScan(quarantinePath, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MetaScanURL"]);
catch (Exception exp)
vScanError = true;
errMessage = exp.Message;
errStackTrace = exp.StackTrace;
// Cleanup the test file.
// If there were issues with the uploaded file, load the issues/errors.
if (isVirusFree == false || vScanError == true)
FileAttachmentError.LogError(postedFile.FileName, _user.WebUserID, errMessage, errStackTrace,
// Now that we know that the file is safe and valid, we save the
// BLOB and return to the caller.
_attachment = new FileAttachment();
// Setup local variables to use for saving and/or rotating the image.
int rotationAngle = Convert.ToInt32(hdnCurrentRotation.Value);
int wip = Convert.ToInt32(hdnWidthInPixels.Value);
int hip = Convert.ToInt32(hdnHeightInPixels.Value);
// Setup the RotateFlipType to use when rotating the image.
RotateFlipType rotateType = RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipNone;
string formattedRotateFlipTypeValue = string.Format("Rotate{0}FlipNone", rotationAngle);
//// Setup the memory stream and the normal bitmap.
MemoryStream normalImage = new MemoryStream();
Stream fs = postedFile.InputStream;
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
Bitmap normalBitMap = ZPLBitmap.ScaleToSize(br.ReadBytes((Int32)fs.Length), wip, hip);
// Validate we are getting a valid image rotation from the page.
if (rotationAngle != 0 &&
RotateFlipType.TryParse(formattedRotateFlipTypeValue, out rotateType) == false) {
_RadAjaxMgr.Alert("Invalid image rotation.");
//// if we have a image that has been rotated, then write it out to the stream.
if (rotationAngle != 0)
// Save the image.
normalBitMap.Save(normalImage, ImageFormat.Bmp);
_attachment.Contents = normalImage.ToArray();
_attachment.WidthInPixels = normalBitMap.Width;
_attachment.HeightInPixels = normalBitMap.Height;
_attachment.OriginalFilename = postedFile.FileName;
_attachment.VirusScanPassed = true;
FileAttachmentTypes ext = FileAttachmentType.GetTypeViaExtension(fi.Extension);
// Check if the image qualifies as a large image. If we have rotated the image,
// no need to rotate again as we are just taking the bytes from the image that
// we've already rotated and scaling them to the large image size.
if (ext != FileAttachmentTypes.PDF && ext != FileAttachmentTypes.TIF) {
// if the width and height is bigger than the max values, then save
// in the large image format.
if (wip > MaxScaleWidth || hip > MaxScaleHeight) {
Bitmap scaleBMP = ZPLBitmap.ScaleToSize(fuRevisionUpload.FileBytes, MaxScaleWidth, MaxScaleHeight);
MemoryStream shrunkImageStream = new MemoryStream();
// if we have a image that has been rotated, then write it out to the stream.
if (rotationAngle != 0)
// Save the image.
scaleBMP.Save(shrunkImageStream, ImageFormat.Bmp);
_attachment.Contents = shrunkImageStream.ToArray();
_attachment.WidthInPixels = scaleBMP.Width;
_attachment.HeightInPixels = scaleBMP.Height;
_attachment.LargeImage = normalImage.ToArray();
_attachment.LargeImageWidthInPixels = normalBitMap.Width;
_attachment.LargeImageHeightInPixels = normalBitMap.Height;
hasLargeImage = true;
_attachment.Save(FileAttachmentType.GetTypeIDViaExtension(fi.Extension), _user.WebUserID);
_sbfileAttachmentIDs.AppendFormat("{0},", _attachment.FileAttachmentID);