
时间:2019-11-04 21:29:56

标签: javascript json reactjs object dom-events

class AreaChart extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      chartData: CHART_DATA,
      chartDataSelection: CHART_DATA.selection

我的CHART_DATA是我的对象,我将其分配给chartData。 下面是我的updateData函数。这是我遇到的问题。在this.setState下,chartDataSelection不会从我的对象中获取数据。我不知道如何正确地从CHART_DATA对象中获取选择键。此代码下面是保存该对象的另一个js文件。

updateData(timeline) {
      chartDataSelection: timeline

    switch (timeline) {
      case "one_month":
          options: {
            xaxis: {
              min: new Date("28 Jan 2013").getTime(),
              max: new Date("27 Feb 2013").getTime()
      case "six_months":
          options: {
            xaxis: {
              min: new Date("27 Sep 2012").getTime(),
              max: new Date("27 Feb 2013").getTime()
      case "one_year":
          options: {
            xaxis: {
              min: new Date("27 Feb 2012").getTime(),
              max: new Date("27 Feb 2013").getTime()
      case "ytd":
          options: {
            xaxis: {
              min: new Date("01 Jan 2013").getTime(),
              max: new Date("27 Feb 2013").getTime()
      case "all":
          options: {
            xaxis: {
              min: undefined,
              max: undefined

CHART_DATA.js ---此数据来自ApexCharts的区域图

const CHART_DATA = {
  coins: "hello",
  isFetching: false,
  selection: "one_year", // this data is for the ReactApexChart line 14-395
  options: {
    annotations: {
      yaxis: [
          y: 0,
          tickAmount: 0,
          borderColor: "transparent",
          label: {
            borderColor: "red",

            show: false,
            showAlways: false,

            style: {
              color: "#fff",
              background: "#00E396"
          floating: true,
          axisTicks: {
            show: false
          axisBorder: {
            show: false
          labels: {
            show: false
          crosshairs: {
            show: false
      xaxis: [
          x: new Date("14 Nov 2012").getTime(),
          borderColor: "transparent",
          yAxisIndex: 0,
          label: {
            show: false,
            text: "",
            style: {
              color: "#fff",
              background: "#775DD0"
          axisTicks: {
            show: false
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: false,
      enabledOnSeries: false
    markers: {
      size: 0,
      style: "hollow"
    xaxis: {
      type: "datetime",
      min: new Date("01 Mar 2012").getTime(),
      tickAmount: 6
    tooltip: {
      x: {
        format: "MMMM dd yyyy"
    fill: {
      type: "gradient",
      gradient: {
        shadeIntensity: 1,
        opacityFrom: 0.3,
        opacityTo: 0.9,
        stops: [0, 100]
    colors: ["#6433ff", "#00E396", "#CED4DC"],
    stroke: {
      width: "2"

    chart: {
      toolbar: {
        show: false,
        tools: {
          download: true,
          selection: true,
          zoom: true,
          zoomin: true,
          zoomout: true,
          pan: true,
          reset: true | '<img src="/static/icons/reset.png" width="20">',
          customIcons: []
        autoSelected: "zoom"

  series: [
      //timestamps for the areaChart
      data: [
        [1327359600000, 30.95],
        [1327446000000, 31.34],
        [1327532400000, 31.18],
        [1327618800000, 31.05],
        [1327878000000, 31.0],
        [1327964400000, 30.95],
        [1328050800000, 31.24],
        [1328137200000, 31.29],
        [1328223600000, 31.85],
        [1328482800000, 31.86],
        [1328569200000, 32.28],
        [1328655600000, 32.1],
        [1328742000000, 32.65],
        [1328828400000, 32.21],
        [1329087600000, 32.35],
        [1329174000000, 32.44],
        [1329260400000, 32.46],
        [1329346800000, 32.86],
        [1329433200000, 32.75],
        [1329778800000, 32.54],
        [1329865200000, 32.33],
        [1329951600000, 32.97],
        [1330038000000, 33.41],
        [1330297200000, 33.27],
        [1330383600000, 33.27],
        [1330470000000, 32.89],
        [1330556400000, 33.1],
        [1330642800000, 33.73],
        [1330902000000, 33.22],
        [1330988400000, 31.99],
        [1331074800000, 32.41],
        [1331161200000, 33.05],
        [1331247600000, 33.64],
        [1331506800000, 33.56],
        [1331593200000, 34.22],
        [1331679600000, 33.77],
        [1331766000000, 34.17],
        [1331852400000, 33.82],
        [1332111600000, 34.51],
        [1332198000000, 33.16],
        [1332284400000, 33.56],
        [1332370800000, 33.71],
        [1332457200000, 33.81],
        [1332712800000, 34.4],
        [1332799200000, 34.63],
        [1332885600000, 34.46],
        [1332972000000, 34.48],
        [1333058400000, 34.31],
        [1333317600000, 34.7],
        [1333404000000, 34.31],
        [1333490400000, 33.46],
        [1333576800000, 33.59],
        [1333922400000, 33.22],
        [1334008800000, 32.61],
        [1334095200000, 33.01],
        [1334181600000, 33.55],
        [1334268000000, 33.18],
        [1334527200000, 32.84],
        [1334613600000, 33.84],
        [1334700000000, 33.39],
        [1334786400000, 32.91],
        [1334872800000, 33.06],
        [1335132000000, 32.62],
        [1335218400000, 32.4],
        [1335304800000, 33.13],
        [1335391200000, 33.26],
        [1335477600000, 33.58],
        [1335736800000, 33.55],
        [1335823200000, 33.77],
        [1335909600000, 33.76],
        [1335996000000, 33.32],
        [1336082400000, 32.61],
        [1336341600000, 32.52],
        [1336428000000, 32.67],
        [1336514400000, 32.52],
        [1336600800000, 31.92],
        [1336687200000, 32.2],
        [1336946400000, 32.23],
        [1337032800000, 32.33],
        [1337119200000, 32.36],
        [1337205600000, 32.01],
        [1337292000000, 31.31],
        [1337551200000, 32.01],
        [1337637600000, 32.01],
        [1337724000000, 32.18],
        [1337810400000, 31.54],
        [1337896800000, 31.6],
        [1338242400000, 32.05],
        [1338328800000, 31.29],
        [1338415200000, 31.05],
        [1338501600000, 29.82],
        [1338760800000, 30.31],
        [1338847200000, 30.7],
        [1338933600000, 31.69],
        [1339020000000, 31.32],
        [1339106400000, 31.65],
        [1339365600000, 31.13],
        [1339452000000, 31.77],
        [1339538400000, 31.79],
        [1339624800000, 31.67],
        [1339711200000, 32.39],
        [1339970400000, 32.63],
        [1340056800000, 32.89],
        [1340143200000, 31.99],
        [1340229600000, 31.23],
        [1340316000000, 31.57],
        [1340575200000, 30.84],
        [1340661600000, 31.07],
        [1340748000000, 31.41],
        [1340834400000, 31.17],
        [1340920800000, 32.37],
        [1341180000000, 32.19],
        [1341266400000, 32.51],
        [1341439200000, 32.53],
        [1341525600000, 31.37],
        [1341784800000, 30.43],
        [1341871200000, 30.44],
        [1341957600000, 30.2],
        [1342044000000, 30.14],
        [1342130400000, 30.65],
        [1342389600000, 30.4],
        [1342476000000, 30.65],
        [1342562400000, 31.43],
        [1342648800000, 31.89],
        [1342735200000, 31.38],
        [1342994400000, 30.64],
        [1343080800000, 30.02],
        [1343167200000, 30.33],
        [1343253600000, 30.95],
        [1343340000000, 31.89],
        [1343599200000, 31.01],
        [1343685600000, 30.88],
        [1343772000000, 30.69],
        [1343858400000, 30.58],
        [1343944800000, 32.02],
        [1344204000000, 32.14],
        [1344290400000, 32.37],
        [1344376800000, 32.51],
        [1344463200000, 32.65],
        [1344549600000, 32.64],
        [1344808800000, 32.27],
        [1344895200000, 32.1],
        [1344981600000, 32.91],
        [1345068000000, 33.65],
        [1345154400000, 33.8],
        [1345413600000, 33.92],
        [1345500000000, 33.75],
        [1345586400000, 33.84],
        [1345672800000, 33.5],
        [1345759200000, 32.26],
        [1346018400000, 32.32],
        [1346104800000, 32.06],
        [1346191200000, 31.96],
        [1346277600000, 31.46],
        [1346364000000, 31.27],
        [1346709600000, 31.43],
        [1346796000000, 32.26],
        [1346882400000, 32.79],
        [1346968800000, 32.46],
        [1347228000000, 32.13],
        [1347314400000, 32.43],
        [1347400800000, 32.42],
        [1347487200000, 32.81],
        [1347573600000, 33.34],
        [1347832800000, 33.41],
        [1347919200000, 32.57],
        [1348005600000, 33.12],
        [1348092000000, 34.53],
        [1348178400000, 33.83],
        [1348437600000, 33.41],
        [1348524000000, 32.9],
        [1348610400000, 32.53],
        [1348696800000, 32.8],
        [1348783200000, 32.44],
        [1349042400000, 32.62],
        [1349128800000, 32.57],
        [1349215200000, 32.6],
        [1349301600000, 32.68],
        [1349388000000, 32.47],
        [1349647200000, 32.23],
        [1349733600000, 31.68],
        [1349820000000, 31.51],
        [1349906400000, 31.78],
        [1349992800000, 31.94],
        [1350252000000, 32.33],
        [1350338400000, 33.24],
        [1350424800000, 33.44],
        [1350511200000, 33.48],
        [1350597600000, 33.24],
        [1350856800000, 33.49],
        [1350943200000, 33.31],
        [1351029600000, 33.36],
        [1351116000000, 33.4],
        [1351202400000, 34.01],
        [1351638000000, 34.02],
        [1351724400000, 34.36],
        [1351810800000, 34.39],
        [1352070000000, 34.24],
        [1352156400000, 34.39],
        [1352242800000, 33.47],
        [1352329200000, 32.98],
        [1352415600000, 32.9],
        [1352674800000, 32.7],
        [1352761200000, 32.54],
        [1352847600000, 32.23],
        [1352934000000, 32.64],
        [1353020400000, 32.65],
        [1353279600000, 32.92],
        [1353366000000, 32.64],
        [1353452400000, 32.84],
        [1353625200000, 33.4],
        [1353884400000, 33.3],
        [1353970800000, 33.18],
        [1354057200000, 33.88],
        [1354143600000, 34.09],
        [1354230000000, 34.61],
        [1354489200000, 34.7],
        [1354575600000, 35.3],
        [1354662000000, 35.4],
        [1354748400000, 35.14],
        [1354834800000, 35.48],
        [1355094000000, 35.75],
        [1355180400000, 35.54],
        [1355266800000, 35.96],
        [1355353200000, 35.53],
        [1355439600000, 37.56],
        [1355698800000, 37.42],
        [1355785200000, 37.49],
        [1355871600000, 38.09],
        [1355958000000, 37.87],
        [1356044400000, 37.71],
        [1356303600000, 37.53],
        [1356476400000, 37.55],
        [1356562800000, 37.3],
        [1356649200000, 36.9],
        [1356908400000, 37.68],
        [1357081200000, 38.34],
        [1357167600000, 37.75],
        [1357254000000, 38.13],
        [1357513200000, 37.94],
        [1357599600000, 38.14],
        [1357686000000, 38.66],
        [1357772400000, 38.62],
        [1357858800000, 38.09],
        [1358118000000, 38.16],
        [1358204400000, 38.15],
        [1358290800000, 37.88],
        [1358377200000, 37.73],
        [1358463600000, 37.98],
        [1358809200000, 37.95],
        [1358895600000, 38.25],
        [1358982000000, 38.1],
        [1359068400000, 38.32],
        [1359327600000, 38.24],
        [1359414000000, 38.52],
        [1359500400000, 37.94],
        [1359586800000, 37.83],
        [1359673200000, 38.34],
        [1359932400000, 38.1],
        [1360018800000, 38.51],
        [1360105200000, 38.4],
        [1360191600000, 38.07],
        [1360278000000, 39.12],
        [1360537200000, 38.64],
        [1360623600000, 38.89],
        [1360710000000, 38.81],
        [1360796400000, 38.61],
        [1360882800000, 38.63],
        [1361228400000, 38.99],
        [1361314800000, 38.77],
        [1361401200000, 38.34],
        [1361487600000, 38.55],
        [1361746800000, 38.11],
        [1361833200000, 38.59],
        [1361919600000, 39.6]

export default CHART_DATA;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

似乎您没有在告诉setState更新chartData(setState {chartData:{updatedData}}),而是创建了一个名为options的新状态对象。首先,您需要修改现有的charData。在这种情况下,我将其扩展到一个名为data的变量中。然后,使用新的xaxis修改数据,然后用更新的对象完全替换chartData。我只是为了示例而缩短了切换时间,但是您将不得不更新它们中的每一个。我希望这有帮助。

updateData(timeline) {
      chartDataSelection: timeline

   let data = {...d}

    switch (timeline) {
      case "one_month":
       data.options.xaxis = {
              min: new Date("28 Jan 2013").getTime(),
              max: new Date("27 Feb 2013").getTime()
        this.setState({chartData: data});