F_Date B_Date col is_B
01/09/2019 02/08/2019 2200 1
01/09/2019 03/08/2019 672 1
02/09/2019 03/08/2019 1828 1
01/09/2019 04/08/2019 503 0
02/09/2019 04/08/2019 829 1
03/09/2019 04/08/2019 1367 0
02/09/2019 05/08/2019 559 1
03/09/2019 05/08/2019 922 1
04/09/2019 05/08/2019 1519 0
01/09/2019 06/08/2019 376 1
F_Date B_Date col is_B c_a
01/09/2019 02/08/2019 2200 1 25000
01/09/2019 03/08/2019 672 1 25000 - 2200
02/09/2019 03/08/2019 1828 1 25000
01/09/2019 04/08/2019 503 0 25000 - 2200 - 672
02/09/2019 04/08/2019 829 1 25000 - 1828
03/09/2019 04/08/2019 1367 0 25000
02/09/2019 05/08/2019 559 1 25000 - 1828 - 829
03/09/2019 05/08/2019 922 1 25000 (since last value had is_B as 0)
04/09/2019 05/08/2019 1519 0 25000
01/09/2019 06/08/2019 376 1 25000 - 2200 - 672 (Since last appearance had is_B as 0)
答案 0 :(得分:3)
df['c_a'] = df.groupby('F_Date').apply(lambda grp:
25000 - grp.col.where(grp.is_B.eq(1), 0).shift(fill_value=0)
.cumsum()).reset_index(level=0, drop=True)
该想法以及基于组 F_Date == '01 / 09/2019'的示例:
F_Date B_Date col is_B c_a
0 01/09/2019 02/08/2019 2200 1 25000
1 01/09/2019 03/08/2019 672 1 22800
2 02/09/2019 03/08/2019 1828 1 25000
3 01/09/2019 04/08/2019 503 0 22128
4 02/09/2019 04/08/2019 829 1 23172
5 03/09/2019 04/08/2019 1367 0 25000
6 02/09/2019 05/08/2019 559 1 22343
7 03/09/2019 05/08/2019 922 1 25000
8 04/09/2019 05/08/2019 1519 0 25000
9 01/09/2019 06/08/2019 376 1 22128
grp.col.where(grp.is_B.eq(1), 0)
0 2200
1 672
3 0
9 376
0 0
1 2200
3 672
9 0
0 0
1 2200
3 2872
9 2872
25000 - ...
答案 1 :(得分:1)
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'F_Date': [pd.to_datetime(_, format='%d/%m/%Y') for _ in
['01/09/2019', '01/09/2019', '02/09/2019', '01/09/2019', '02/09/2019',
'03/09/2019', '02/09/2019', '03/09/2019', '04/09/2019', '01/09/2019']],
'B_Date': [pd.to_datetime(_, format='%d/%m/%Y') for _ in
['02/08/2019', '03/08/2019', '03/08/2019', '04/08/2019', '04/08/2019',
'04/08/2019', '05/08/2019', '05/08/2019','05/08/2019', '06/08/2019']],
'col': [2200, 672, 1828, 503, 829, 1367, 559, 922, 1519, 376],
'is_B': [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]
# sort in the order that fits the semantics of your calculations
df.sort_values(['F_Date', 'B_Date'], inplace=True)
# initialize 'c_a' to 25000 if a new F_Date starts
df.loc[df['F_Date'].diff(1) != pd.Timedelta(0), 'c_a'] = 25000
# Step downwards from every 25000 and substract shifted 'col'
# if shifted 'is_B' == 1, otherwise replicate shifted 'c_a' to the next line
while pd.isna(df.c_a).any():
pd.notna(df.c_a), # set every not-NaN value to ...
df.c_a.shift(1).where( # ...the previous / shifted c_a...
df.is_B.shift(1) == 0, # ... if previous / shifted is_B == 0
df.c_a.shift(1) - df.col.shift(1) # ... otherwise substract shifted 'col'
), inplace=True
# restore original order
F_Date B_Date col is_B c_a
0 2019-09-01 2019-08-02 2200 1 25000.0
1 2019-09-01 2019-08-03 672 1 22800.0
2 2019-09-02 2019-08-03 1828 1 25000.0
3 2019-09-01 2019-08-04 503 0 22128.0
4 2019-09-02 2019-08-04 829 1 23172.0
5 2019-09-03 2019-08-04 1367 0 25000.0
6 2019-09-02 2019-08-05 559 1 22343.0
7 2019-09-03 2019-08-05 922 1 25000.0
8 2019-09-04 2019-08-05 1519 0 25000.0
9 2019-09-01 2019-08-06 376 1 22128.0
答案 2 :(得分:0)
m = ~df.groupby('F_Date').is_B.diff().eq(1)
s = (-df.col).groupby(df.F_Date).apply(lambda x: x.shift(fill_value=25000).cumsum())
df['c_a'] = s.where(m).groupby(df.F_Date).ffill()
F_Date B_Date col is_B c_a
0 01/09/2019 02/08/2019 2200 1 25000.0
1 01/09/2019 03/08/2019 672 1 22800.0
2 02/09/2019 03/08/2019 1828 1 25000.0
3 01/09/2019 04/08/2019 503 0 22128.0
4 02/09/2019 04/08/2019 829 1 23172.0
5 03/09/2019 04/08/2019 1367 0 25000.0
6 02/09/2019 05/08/2019 559 1 22343.0
7 03/09/2019 05/08/2019 922 1 25000.0
8 04/09/2019 05/08/2019 1519 0 25000.0
9 01/09/2019 06/08/2019 376 1 22128.0
答案 3 :(得分:0)
In [1]: s = '''F_Date B_Date col is_B
...: 01/09/2019 02/08/2019 2200 1
...: 01/09/2019 03/08/2019 672 1
...: 02/09/2019 03/08/2019 1828 1
...: 01/09/2019 04/08/2019 503 0
...: 02/09/2019 04/08/2019 829 1
...: 03/09/2019 04/08/2019 1367 0
...: 02/09/2019 05/08/2019 559 1
...: 03/09/2019 05/08/2019 922 1
...: 04/09/2019 05/08/2019 1519 0
...: 01/09/2019 06/08/2019 376 1'''
In [2]: import re
In [3]: sl = [re.split('\s+',x) for x in s.split('\n')]
In [4]: import pandas as pd
In [5]: df = pd.DataFrame(sl[1:], columns=sl[0])
In [6]: df['F_Date'] = df['F_Date'].astype('datetime64[ns]')
In [7]: df['B_Date'] = df['B_Date'].astype('datetime64[ns]')
In [8]: df['col'] = df['col'].astype(int)
In [9]: df['is_B'] = df['is_B'].astype(int)
In [10]: df['c_a'] = None
In [11]: def l(df, df_g, cols):
...: is_Bs = df_g['is_B'].values[:len(cols)]
...: values = [2500]+ [cols[i] for i in range(len(cols)-1) if is_Bs[i] ]
...: df.at[df_g.index[len(cols)-1], 'c_a'] = values
...: return 1
In [12]: for dt, df_g in df.groupby('F_Date'):
...: df_g['col'].expanding().apply(lambda x: l(df, df_g, x),raw= True)
In [13]: df
F_Date B_Date col is_B c_a
0 2019-01-09 2019-02-08 2200 1 [2500]
1 2019-01-09 2019-03-08 672 1 [2500, 2200.0]
2 2019-02-09 2019-03-08 1828 1 [2500]
3 2019-01-09 2019-04-08 503 0 [2500, 2200.0, 672.0]
4 2019-02-09 2019-04-08 829 1 [2500, 1828.0]
5 2019-03-09 2019-04-08 1367 0 [2500]
6 2019-02-09 2019-05-08 559 1 [2500, 1828.0, 829.0]
7 2019-03-09 2019-05-08 922 1 [2500]
8 2019-04-09 2019-05-08 1519 0 [2500]
9 2019-01-09 2019-06-08 376 1 [2500, 2200.0, 672.0]