函数内的Python For循环错误

时间:2019-10-26 11:12:30

标签: python


def my_function(person, feeling):
    print('Hello, %s, how are you? It seems that you are feeling %s!' %(person, feeling))

my_function('Matthew', 'rejuvinated')


people = ['Colby', 'Hattie', 'Matthew', 'Stephen', 'Lee', 'Deb', 'Sharon', 'Pete']
feelings = ['happy', 'sad', 'cold', 'cranky', 'happy', 'successful', 'spunky', 'warm', 'nerdy']

def my_function(person, feeling): 
    """This function produces a statement which inserts a name and a feeling"""
    for p in enumerate(people):
            person = p
    for f in enumerate(feelings):
            feeling = f
    print('Hello, %s, how are you? It seems that you are feeling %s!' %(person, feeling)) 
    return my_function()

my_function(people, feelings)

Hello, (7, 'Pete'), how are you? It seems that you are feeling (8, 'nerdy')!
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-2b2a265c427c> in <module>
     11     return my_function()
---> 13 my_function(people, feelings)

<ipython-input-1-2b2a265c427c> in my_function(person, feeling)
      9             feeling = f
     10     print('Hello, %s, how are you? It seems that you are feeling %s!' %(person, feeling))
---> 11     return my_function()
     13 my_function(people, feelings)

TypeError: my_function() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'person' and 'feeling'

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


peoples = ['Colby', 'Hattie', 'Matthew', 'Stephen', 'Lee', 'Deb', 'Sharon', 'Pete']
feelings = ['happy', 'sad', 'cold', 'cranky', 'happy', 'successful', 'spunky', 'warm', 'nerdy']

def my_function(persons, feelings):
    """This function produces a statement which inserts a name and a feeling"""
    # python provide a zip built-in function to loop over multiple list in the same time
    for person, feeling in zip(persons, feelings):
        # print the message for every element
        print('Hello, %s, how are you? It seems that you are feeling %s!' %(person, feeling))

my_function(peoples, feelings)



可迭代项-可以内置iterables(例如:list, string, dict),或者   用户定义的可迭代对象(具有__iter__方法的对象)


zip()函数基于以下内容返回一个元组迭代器:   iterable个对象。

  • 如果未传递任何参数,则zip()返回一个空的迭代器
  • 如果传递了单个Iterable,则zip()返回一个1元组的迭代器。意思是,每个元组中的元素数为1。
  • 如果传递了多个可迭代对象,则ith元组包含ith,假设有两个可迭代对象被传递;一个可迭代的包含3个,另一个   包含5个元素。然后,返回的迭代器具有3个元组。它的   因为迭代器在最短的可迭代数用尽时停止。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


def my_function(person, feeling):
    print('Hello, %s, how are you? It seems that you are feeling %s!' %(person, feeling))

people = ['Colby', 'Hattie', 'Matthew', 'Stephen', 'Lee', 'Deb', 'Sharon', 'Pete']
feelings = ['happy', 'sad', 'cold', 'cranky', 'happy', 'successful', 'spunky', 'warm', 'nerdy']


for person in people:
    for feeling in feelings:
        my_function(person, feeling)


import random
person = random.choice(people)
feeling = random.choice(feelings)
my_function(person, feeling)


import random
for person in people:
    feeling = random.choice(feelings)
    my_function(person, feeling)


for person in enumerate(people):


(0, 'Colby')
(1, 'Hattie')
(2, 'Matthew')
(3, 'Stephen')
(4, 'Lee')
(5, 'Deb')
(6, 'Sharon')
(7, 'Pete')

答案 2 :(得分:1)


def my_function(person, feeling):
    print(f'Hello, {person}, how are you?'\
          f'It seems that you are feeling {feeling}!')

my_function('Matthew', 'rejuvinated')

def my_function_2(people, feelings, fun): 
    for i, person in enumerate(people):
        fun(person, feelings[i])

people = ['Colby', 'Hattie', 'Matthew', 'Stephen', 'Lee', 'Deb', 'Sharon', 'Pete']
feelings = ['happy', 'sad', 'cold', 'cranky', 'happy', 'successful', 'spunky', 'warm', 'nerdy']
my_function_2(people, feelings, my_function)

Hello, Matthew, how are you?It seems that you are feeling rejuvinated!
Hello, Colby, how are you?It seems that you are feeling happy!
Hello, Hattie, how are you?It seems that you are feeling sad!
Hello, Matthew, how are you?It seems that you are feeling cold!
Hello, Stephen, how are you?It seems that you are feeling cranky!
Hello, Lee, how are you?It seems that you are feeling happy!
Hello, Deb, how are you?It seems that you are feeling successful!
Hello, Sharon, how are you?It seems that you are feeling spunky!
Hello, Pete, how are you?It seems that you are feeling warm!