我已经完成了多种调用碰撞测试的方法-在碰撞函数中以及在move函数中都尝试它。我最近切换到2进行循环,因为1仅比较它们各自阵列中相同位置的像素,而不是与所有像素比较。 我按照下面的注释中的建议进行了一些更改,现在我将问题范围缩小到始终返回0的碰撞函数。我是通过与敌方角色发生碰撞而发现的,当temp == 0时,玩家死亡而没有会移动,但是将其设置为if(temp == 1)时,即使玩家触摸敌人角色也不会死亡。
int wall_collide(int x1, int y1, int i_count, int j_count, int array1[i_count][2], int array2[j_count][2]) {
for (int i = 0; i < i_count; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < j_count; ++j)
if ((x1 + array1[i][0] == array2[j][0]) && (y1 + array1[i][1] == array2[j][1]))
return 1;
return 0;
void p_move() {
int temp = 0;
if (LBpressed == 1 && !(c_x == 0))
temp = wall_collide(c_x, c_y, 22, 64, c_xy, pixelbank);
if (temp == 0) c_x -= 1;
if (RBpressed == 1 && !(c_x == (LCD_X - 5)))
temp = wall_collide(c_x, c_y, 22, 64, c_xy, pixelbank);
if (temp == 0) c_x -= 1;
if (UBpressed == 1 && !(c_y == 8))
temp = wall_collide(c_x, c_y, 22, 64, c_xy, pixelbank);
if (temp == 0) c_y -= 1;
if (DBpressed == 1 && !(c_y == (LCD_Y - 7)))
temp = wall_collide(c_x, c_y, 22, 64, c_xy, pixelbank);
if (temp == 0) c_y += 1;
int walls[4][4] = { {18,15, 13,25}, {25,35, 25,45}, {45,10, 60,10}, {58,25, 72,30} };
This is how I'm storing the pixels for the walls when I draw them
void pixelbank(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
if ( x1 == x2 ) {
// Draw vertical line
for ( int i = y1; (y2 > y1) ? i <= y2 : i >= y2; (y2 > y1) ? i++ : i-- ) {
inputoarray(x1, i);
else if ( y1 == y2 ) {
// Draw horizontal line
for ( int i = x1; (x2 > x1) ? i <= x2 : i >= x2; (x2 > x1) ? i++ : i-- ) {
inputoarray(i, y1);
else {
// Always draw from left to right, regardless of the order the endpoints are
// presented.
if ( x1 > x2 ) {
int t = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = t;
t = y1;
y1 = y2;
y2 = t;
// Get Bresenhaming...
float dx = x2 - x1;
float dy = y2 - y1;
float err = 0.0;
float derr = ABS(dy / dx);
for ( int x = x1, y = y1; (dx > 0) ? x <= x2 : x >= x2; (dx > 0) ? x++ : x-- ) {
inputoarray(x, y);
err += derr;
while ( err >= 0.5 && ((dy > 0) ? y <= y2 : y >= y2) ) {
inputoarray(x, y);
y += (dy > 0) - (dy < 0);
err -= 1.0;
pixelbank是存储墙壁像素的位置(int pixelbank [64] [2]) c_x和c_y是绘制字符的起点,而c_xy包含偏移量,例如c_xy [0] [0] = 1和c_xy [0] [1] = 0,因为在c_x + 1,c_y + 0处绘制了一个像素。
如果有帮助,我的代码也使用48x84 LCD屏幕