
时间:2019-10-20 00:14:17

标签: assembly x86 masm


我不明白ror命令的作用,我知道xor只是1 + 1 = 0、1 + 0 = 1、0 + 0 = 0。


.model flat, stdcall
.stack 4096
ExitProcess PROTO, dwExitCode: DWORD

    ; define your variables here
ptxt BYTE "Plain text for testing", 0
ctxt BYTE 5dh,0a5h,66h,0a7h,06h,9ch,39h,0e6h,
main PROC
    ; Modify this to call sub_dec with ctxt
    ; instead of ptxt
    ; puts address of pxtext into stack
    push OFFSET ctxt
    ; puts number of variables into stack 
    push LENGTHOF ctxt
    call sub_dec
main ENDP

sub_enc PROC
    ; puts ebp into stack
    push ebp
    ; makes the sp value go into ebp
    mov ebp, esp

    ; Retrieve the arguments
    ; sets the loop counter to 17
    mov ecx, [ebp+8]
    ; subtracts by 1 because we don't care about the null
    dec ecx
    ; moves the value of the base pointer into esi, which is the register that holds the next direction
    mov esi, [ebp+12]

    ; Encryption  
    xor eax, eax
    ; whatever esi is pointing to goes into eax
    mov al, [esi]  
    ; adds 27 to eax
    add al, 27  
    ; compares the content of eax with 189
    xor al, 189  
    ; rotates the set z and s flag
    ror al, 3  
    ; updates the memory so eax value gets changed and encrypts the letter. 
    mov [esi], al  
    ; moves esi to the next byte
    inc esi  
    loop MORE 

    pop ebp  
    ret 8 
sub_enc endp 

sub_dec PROC  
    push ebp  
    mov ebp, esp 

    ; Retrieve the arguments  
    mov ecx, [ebp+8]  
    dec ecx  
    mov esi, [ebp+12] 

    ; Put your decryption code here  
    ; Copy the encryption loop and modify it 

    xor eax, eax
    mov al, [esi]  
    add al, 27
    and al, 189  
    ror al, 3  
    mov [esi], al  
    inc esi  
    loop MORE 

    pop ebp  
    ret 8 

sub_dec endp

end main 
Invoke ExitProcess, 0

所以sub_enc只是加密的一个示例。我现在想解密ptxt字符串。 我知道我需要更改的三行是

    add al, 27
    and al, 189  
    ror al, 3


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