上下文: 我有两个以不同频率(唯一时间戳)记录的信号。我想确定信号二等于零时信号一的所有值。本质上,我想确定车辆不运动时IMU的直流偏置。
time, message, signal, value
1.05, Veh, Speed, 1
1.1, IMU, Yaw_Rate, 1.01
1.2, IMU, Yaw_Rate, 1.2
2.0, Veh, Speed, 0
2.4, IMU, Yaw_Rate, 1.08
2.6, IMU, Yaw_Rate, 1.24
3.01, Veh, Speed, 0
3.2, IMU, Yaw_Rate, 1.08
3.9, IMU, Yaw_Rate, 1.24
4.0, Veh, Speed, 1
用“ Vehicle_Speed_KPH_Integer”替换“ Speed”
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def bias_filter_index_identifier(df, signal_name):
''' This is a highly inneficient function to find all the values of a signal while the
vehicle is stopped.
Creating masks (windows) may be more efficient'''
alpha = 0.001
y = []
y_filt = []
Veh_Speed = df.loc[(df['signal'] == 'Vehicle_Speed_KPH_Integer')]
Veh_Speed = fix_df_float(Veh_Speed)
signal = df.loc[(df['signal'] == signal_name)]
signal = fix_df_float(signal)
for i in range(0, len(signal)):
time = signal.iloc[i]['time']
value = signal.iloc[i]['value']
# Find the index of the closest point in vehicle speed
idx = Veh_Speed['time'].subtract(time).abs().idxmin()
Single_Speed_Data = df.loc[idx]
if Single_Speed_Data['value'] == 0:
y.append([time, value])
if len(y) == 1:
filt_value = value
filt_value = alpha*value + (1 - alpha) * np.asarray(y_filt[-1][1])
y_filt.append([time, filt_value])
except Exception as err:
print("We had an error on item {}".format(i))
y1 = np.array(y)
y2 = np.array(y_filt)
df_filt = pd.DataFrame(data=y2, columns=['time', 'value'])
df_filt['message'] = "custom"
df_filt['signal'] = signal_name + "_Filtered"
df_filt.drop_duplicates(subset='time', keep='first', inplace=True)
return df_filt