
时间:2019-10-08 21:52:33

标签: mysql sql



INSERT INTO t VALUES ('2007-1-1',5),

  ( SELECT SUM(t2.qty) / COUNT(t2.qty)
    FROM t AS t2
    WHERE DATEDIFF(t1.dt, t2.dt) BETWEEN 0 AND 4
  ) AS '5dayMovingAvg'
FROM t AS t1
ORDER BY t1.dt;


  date_format(t1.date, '%Y') as year, date_format(t1.date, '%m') as month, date_format(t1.date, '%d') as day, t1.epc, t1.scrap, t1.freight, t1.smo, t1.ext_sort, t1.total, 
  ( SELECT SUM(t2.total) / COUNT(t2.total)

   (SELECT date, sum(epc_labor_cost) as epc, sum(scrap_value) as scrap, sum(prem_freight_cost) as freight, sum(smo_sort_hours) as smo, sum(ext_sort) as ext_sort, sum(epc_labor_cost+scrap_value+prem_freight_cost+smo_sort_hours+ext_sort) as total FROM (
                                           select pn, date, labor_cost as epc_labor_cost, 0 as scrap_value, 0 as prem_freight_cost, 0 as smo_sort_hours, 0 as ext_sort, 0 as total from epc_data 
                                 union all select pn, date, 0 as epc_labor_cost, abs(value) as scrap_value, 0 as prem_freight_cost, 0 as smo_sort_hours, 0 as ext_sort, 0 as total from scrap 
                                 union all select pn, date, 0 as epc_labor_cost, 0 as scrap_value, cost as prem_freight_cost, 0 as smo_sort_hours, 0 as ext_sort, 0 as total from prem_freight 
                                 union all select pn, date, 0 as epc_labor_cost, 0 as scrap_value, 0 as prem_freight_cost, hours*4.02 as smo_sort_hours, 0 as ext_sort, 0 as total from smo_sort
                                union all select STRIP_NON_DIGIT(ext_sort.pn) as pn, date, 0 as epc_labor_cost, 0 as scrap_value, 0 as prem_freight_cost, 0 as smo_sort_hours, (ext_sort.sorted*pn_data.ext_sort_cost) as ext_sort, 0 as total from ext_sort inner join pn_data on STRIP_NON_DIGIT(ext_sort.pn)=STRIP_NON_DIGIT(pn_data.pn) ) as test group by year(date), week(date,3) ORDER BY date desc) as t2
    WHERE DATEDIFF(t1.date, t2.date) BETWEEN 0 AND 92
  ) AS movavg
FROM (SELECT date, sum(epc_labor_cost) as epc, sum(scrap_value) as scrap, sum(prem_freight_cost) as freight, sum(smo_sort_hours) as smo, sum(ext_sort) as ext_sort, sum(epc_labor_cost+scrap_value+prem_freight_cost+smo_sort_hours+ext_sort) as total FROM (
                                           select pn, date, labor_cost as epc_labor_cost, 0 as scrap_value, 0 as prem_freight_cost, 0 as smo_sort_hours, 0 as ext_sort, 0 as total from epc_data 
                                 union all select pn, date, 0 as epc_labor_cost, abs(value) as scrap_value, 0 as prem_freight_cost, 0 as smo_sort_hours, 0 as ext_sort, 0 as total from scrap 
                                 union all select pn, date, 0 as epc_labor_cost, 0 as scrap_value, cost as prem_freight_cost, 0 as smo_sort_hours, 0 as ext_sort, 0 as total from prem_freight 
                                 union all select pn, date, 0 as epc_labor_cost, 0 as scrap_value, 0 as prem_freight_cost, hours*4.02 as smo_sort_hours, 0 as ext_sort, 0 as total from smo_sort
                                union all select STRIP_NON_DIGIT(ext_sort.pn) as pn, date, 0 as epc_labor_cost, 0 as scrap_value, 0 as prem_freight_cost, 0 as smo_sort_hours, (ext_sort.sorted*pn_data.ext_sort_cost) as ext_sort, 0 as total from ext_sort inner join pn_data on STRIP_NON_DIGIT(ext_sort.pn)=STRIP_NON_DIGIT(pn_data.pn) ) as test group by year(date), week(date,3) ORDER BY date desc) AS t1
ORDER BY t1.date desc limit

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