
时间:2019-10-06 13:50:20

标签: sql presto




然后我将条件过滤( a.cnt> = b.cnt


insert into work.discount_tmp 
select SubsID, MSISDN, EppAcc, User_Name, Bill_Cycle, Tariff, Pack, Discount_Qual_ID, 
Discount_ID, Qualification_Type, Discount_Desc, Sequence, a.GroupID, RuleID, 
dib_band_id, dib_band_end, dib_charge_ref, DIB_DIS0, dib_disc_type, dib_limit_disc, 
DIB_MAX_, cd_class_type, ClassID, Class, dgh_group_id, dgh_inclusion_from, 
dgh_inclusion_to, 20191003 
from (
    select *, 
      row_number() over (partition by GroupID order by Discount_ID) as seqnum,
      COUNT(*) over (partition by GroupID order by GroupID) as cnt 
    from work.disc_band 
    where tbl_dt = 20191003 
    order by Discount_ID
  ) a
  left join (
    select *, 
      row_number() over (
        partition by GroupID 
        order by cd_class_type, try(cast(coalesce(classid,'0') as bigint))
      ) as seqnum,
      count(*) over (partition by GroupID order by GroupID) as cnt 
    from work.alltable1 
    where tbl_dt = 20191003 
  ) b on a.GroupID = b.GroupID and a.cnt >= b.cnt and a.seqnum = b.seqnum



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您想编写引用$url = "https://api.envato.com/v3/market/user/collection?id=8104310"; 子句中的“种子表”的查询。然后,您可以从两个表中计算行数并将它们相互比较。像这样:


我不确定insert into work.discount_tmp select SubsID, MSISDN, EppAcc, User_Name, Bill_Cycle, Tariff, Pack, Discount_Qual_ID, Discount_ID, Qualification_Type, Discount_Desc, Sequence, a.GroupID, RuleID, dib_band_id, dib_band_end, dib_charge_ref, DIB_DIS0, dib_disc_type, dib_limit_disc, DIB_MAX_, cd_class_type, ClassID, Class, dgh_group_id, dgh_inclusion_from, dgh_inclusion_to, 20191003 from ( select a.*, b.*, FROM (SELECT 1 AS DummyCol) AS dt -- "seed" table; not sure the Presto equivalent CROSS JOIN ( -- Get all qualifying rows from "disc_band" SELECT *, count(*) OVER(PARTITION BY groupid) AS RowCount FROM work.disc_band WHERE tbl_dt = 20191003 ) a LEFT JOIN ( -- Get all qualifying rows from "alltable1" SELECT *, count(*) OVER(PARTITION BY groupid) AS RowCount FROM work.alltable1 WHERE tbl_dt = 20191003 ) b ON a.groupid = b.groupid AND a.RowCount >= b.RowCount ) src 逻辑如何,因此您可以根据需要将其重新添加。
