我正在编写一个关于Data-Warehouse软件项目的测试用例。因此,某些任务需要相当长的时间,有时它还取决于服务器的责任。 我遇到此错误:
TimeoutException: Message: timeout (Session info: chrome=77.0.3865.90)
I have set up a selenium timeout to his max - 4 hours and also I have made an implicit wait after hitting the button which needs about 1 hour to execute the command, but after 6 minutes it falls with the error given above.
set selenium timeout 14400 seconds
#${time}= get selenium timeout
# ${time}= get selenium implicit wait
# log to console ${time}
click element ${"generateButton"}
wait implicit 7200
page should contain Task execution succeeded, with max log severity warning.
page should contain Download the filled BRP
click element ${"downloadButton"}