如何将WWW的输出:Curl :: Easy转换为Perl中的变量

时间:2011-04-28 09:20:12

标签: perl curl

use WWW::Curl::Easy;


它会像这样打印输出。 如何从执行函数将输出转换为变量?


HTTP / 1.1 302找到缓存控制:   no-cache,must-revalidate过期:   周六,11 Jan 200 05:00:00 GMT   位置:?cookiecheck = 1   内容类型:text / html日期:星期四,28   2011年4月09:15:57 GMT服务器:   xxxx / 0.1内容长度:0   连接:Keep-Alive Set-Cookie:   AUTH = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;   到期= 2013年4月27日星期六09:15:57 GMT;   路径= /;域= .foo.com中


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# setopt method calls here

## the variable you want to store your data in
my $variable;

  ## open a "filehandle" to that variable
  open my $output, '>', \$variable;

  ## then redirect STDOUT (where stuff goes when it is printed) to the filehandle $output
  local *STDOUT = $output;

  ## when you do the perform action, the results should be stored in your variable

## since you redirected with a 'local' command, STDOUT is restored outside the block
## since $output was opened lexically (with my), its filehandle is closed when the block ends

# do stuff with $variable here


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