Cython Memoryview段故障

时间:2019-09-30 05:45:32

标签: python c cython


def fock_build_init_with_inputs(tei_ints):

     # set the number of orbitals
     norb = tei_ints.shape[0]

     # get memory view of TEIs
     cdef double[:,:,:,::1] tei_memview  = tei_ints

     # get index pairs
     prep_ipss_serial(norb, &tei_memview[0,0,0,0])

void prep_ipss_serial(const int n, const double * const tei) {

   int p, q, r, s, np;
   double maxval;

   const double thresh = 1.0e-9;

   // first we count the number of index pairs with above-threshold integrals
   np = 0;
   for (q = 0; q < n; q++)
     for (p = q; p < n; p++) {
       maxval = 0.0;
       for (s = 0; s < n; s++)
         for (r = s; r < n; r++) {
           maxval = fmax( maxval, fabs( tei[ r + n*s + n*n*p + n*n*n*q ] ) );
       if ( maxval > thresh )
   ipss_np = np;


谢谢, 露宁

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