使用websockets正常关闭uvicorn starlette应用程序

时间:2019-09-27 11:30:20

标签: python python-asyncio asgi starlette uvicorn

鉴于此示例Starlette应用具有打开的websocket连接,您如何关闭Starlette应用?我正在使用uvicorn。每当我按Ctrl+C时,输出就是Waiting for background tasks to complete.,它会永远挂起。

from starlette.applications import Starlette

app = Starlette()

async def ws(websocket):
    await websocket.accept()

    while True:
        # How to interrupt this while loop on the shutdown event?
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

    await websocket.close()



app.state.is_shutting_down = False

async def shutdown():
    app.state.is_shutting_down = True

async def ws(websocket):
    await websocket.accept()

    while app.state.is_shutting_down is False:

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


相反,您可以使用Monkey Patch uvicorn信号处理程序来检测应用程序关闭并在该新函数中设置控制变量。

import asyncio
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from uvicorn.main import Server

original_handler = Server.handle_exit

class AppStatus:
    should_exit = False

    def handle_exit(*args, **kwargs):
        AppStatus.should_exit = True
        original_handler(*args, **kwargs)

Server.handle_exit = AppStatus.handle_exit

app = Starlette()

async def ws(websocket):
    await websocket.accept()

    while AppStatus.should_exit is False:

        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

    await websocket.close()

答案 1 :(得分:0)


INFO: Started server process [31]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
^CINFO: Shutting down
INFO: Waiting for application shutdown.
INFO: Finished server process [31]


import signal

async def shutdown(signal: signal):
    try to shut down gracefully
    logger.info("Received exit signal %s...", signal.name)
    tasks = [t for t in asyncio.all_tasks() if t is not asyncio.current_task()]
    [task.cancel() for task in tasks]
    logging.info("Canceling outstanding tasks")
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    signals = (signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT)
    for s in signals:
            s, lambda s=s: asyncio.create_task(shutdown(s))

您可能必须将await websocket.close()移至shutdown方法中。