我正在尝试创建一个由 // Using 16ms because 60Hz is already good for human eyes.
private readonly DispatcherTimer timer = new DispatcherTimer() { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(16) };
public ScrollingTextBlock()
timer.Tick += (sender, e) =>
// Calculate the total offset to scroll. It is fixed after your text is set.
// Since we need to scroll to the "start" of the text,
// the offset is equal the length of your text plus the length of the space,
// which is the difference of the ActualWidth of the two TextBlocks.
double offset = ScrollTextBlock.ActualWidth - NormalTextBlock.ActualWidth;
// Scroll it horizontally.
// Notice the Math.Min here. You cannot scroll more than offset.
// " + 2" is just the distance it advances,
// meaning that it also controls the speed of the animation.
RealScrollViewer.ChangeView(Math.Min(RealScrollViewer.HorizontalOffset + 2, offset), null, null);
// If scroll to the offset
if (RealScrollViewer.HorizontalOffset == offset)
// Re-display the NormalTextBlock first so that the text won't blink because they overlap.
NormalTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
// Hide the ScrollTextBlock.
// Hiding it will also set the HorizontalOffset of RealScrollViewer to 0,
// so that RealScrollViewer will be scrolling from the beginning of ScrollTextBlock next time.
ScrollTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
// Stop the animation/ticking.
public void StartScrolling()
// Checking timer.IsEnabled is to avoid restarting the animation when the text is already scrolling.
// IsEnabled is true if timer has started, false if timer is stopped.
// Checking TextScrollViewer.ScrollableWidth is for making sure the text is scrollable.
if (timer.IsEnabled || TextScrollViewer.ScrollableWidth == 0) return;
// Display this first so that user won't feel NormalTextBlock will be hidden.
ScrollTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
// Hide the NormalTextBlock so that it won't overlap with ScrollTextBlock when scrolling.
NormalTextBlock.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
// Start the animation/ticking.
组成的组件,该组件将包含为月的选项,其值是其数字日期(例如:Jan = 1,Feb = 2,等等),以及日期和年份由常规数字输入控制。所有这些都将返回日期格式,例如““ 9/26/2019”
到目前为止,我可以选择月份并返回诸如 builder
.ForSqlServerHasIndex(x => x.ColumnX)
.ForSqlServerInclude(nameof(TableA.ColumnA), nameof(TableA.ColumnB))
.HasFilter($"{nameof(TableA.ColumnX)} = 1 AND {nameof(TableA.IsDeleted)} = 0")
.ForSqlServerHasIndex(x => x.ColumnX)
.ForSqlServerInclude(nameof(TableA.ColumnA), nameof(TableA.ColumnB))
.HasFilter($"{nameof(TableA.ColumnX)} = 0 AND {nameof(TableA.IsDeleted)} = 0")