
时间:2019-09-24 22:43:52

标签: javascript reactjs google-chrome-extension react-create-app

尝试在#ifndef _ZOORECORD_HPP_ #define _ZOORECORD_HPP_ #include "ArrayBag.hpp" #include "Animal.hpp" #include <fstream> #include <string> class ZooRecord : public ArrayBag { public: // default constructor ZooRecord(); /** parameterized constructor @pre the input file is expected to be in CSV (comma separated value) format as: "animal_name,hair,feathers,eggs,milk,airborne,aquatic,predator,toothed, backbone,breathes,venomous,fins,legs,tail,domestic,catsize,class_type\n" @param input_file_name the name of the input file @post adds Animal objects to record as per the data in the input file **/ ZooRecord(std::string input_file_name); /** @post displays all animals in record, one per line by calling animal's display method” **/ void display(); }; #endif 中使用chrome.browserAction。在页面顶部,我放置了react-create-app,但是当我想设置/*global chrome*/时 我有错误:



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