答案 0 :(得分:8)
来自https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Code_snippets:Toolbar#Adding_button_by_default -
创建和部署扩展程序并包含工具栏按钮时 因为它覆盖了Customize toolbarpalette,它不可用 默认情况下。用户必须将其拖动到工具栏上。下列 默认情况下,代码会将您的按钮放在工具栏上。这应该 只能在安装后第一次运行加载项时完成 如果用户决定删除您的按钮,它将不会显示 每次他们启动应用程序时再次。
您不得在以下任何元素之间插入工具栏按钮:组合后退/前进按钮,位置 栏,停止按钮或重新加载按钮。这些元素有 放在彼此旁边时的特殊行为,如果是,则会中断 被另一个元素隔开。
* Installs the toolbar button with the given ID into the given
* toolbar, if it is not already present in the document.
* @param {string} toolbarId The ID of the toolbar to install to.
* @param {string} id The ID of the button to install.
* @param {string} afterId The ID of the element to insert after. @optional
function installButton(toolbarId, id, afterId) {
if (!document.getElementById(id)) {
var toolbar = document.getElementById(toolbarId);
// If no afterId is given, then append the item to the toolbar
var before = null;
if (afterId) {
let elem = document.getElementById(afterId);
if (elem && elem.parentNode == toolbar)
before = elem.nextElementSibling;
toolbar.insertItem(id, before);
toolbar.setAttribute("currentset", toolbar.currentSet);
document.persist(toolbar.id, "currentset");
if (toolbarId == "addon-bar")
toolbar.collapsed = false;
if (firstRun) {
installButton("nav-bar", "my-extension-navbar-button");
// The "addon-bar" is available since Firefox 4
installButton("addon-bar", "my-extension-addon-bar-button");
答案 1 :(得分:1)
function init() {
// ....
var navbar = document.getElementById("nav-bar");
if ((myExtensionShared.checkMyBtnInstalled() == false) &&
(navbar != null && document.getElementById("myExtension-button") == null)) {
var newset;
if (navbar.getAttribute('currentset') &&
navbar.getAttribute('currentset').indexOf('myExtension-button') == -1) {
navbar.insertItem ('myExtension-button', null, null, false);
newset = navbar.getAttribute('currentset') + ',myExtension-button';
navbar.setAttribute('currentset', newset);
document.persist('nav-bar', 'currentset');
else if (!navbar.getAttribute('currentset')) {
navbar.insertItem ('myExtension-button', null, null, false);
newset=navbar.getAttribute('defaultset') + ',myExtension-button';
navbar.setAttribute('currentset', newset);
document.persist('nav-bar', 'currentset');
// ....
myExtensionShared.prototype.checkMyBtnInstalled = function() {
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
var btnInstalled = false;
if (prefs.prefHasUserValue("extensions.myExtension.myBtnInstalled")) {
btnInstalled = prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.myExtension.myBtnInstalled");
if (!btnInstalled) {
prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.myExtension.myBtnInstalled", true);
return btnInstalled;
答案 2 :(得分:0)
appendButtonInToolbar:function(buttonId, toolbarId) {
var toolbar = document.getElementById(toolbarId);
var button = document.getElementById(buttonId);
if(button) {
var parentBar = button.parentNode;
if(parentBar && parentBar != toolbar) {
var newset = this.removeButtonFromToolbarCurrentSet(parentBar,buttonId);
appendButtonInToolbarCurrentSet:function(toolbar, buttonId) {
var oldset = toolbar.getAttribute("currentset");
var newset = "";
if(oldset && oldset!="") {
newset = oldset + ",";
newset += buttonId;
toolbar.setAttribute("currentset", newset);
return newset;
removeButtonFromToolbarCurrentSet:function(toolbar, buttonId) {
var oldset = toolbar.getAttribute("currentset");
if(!oldset || oldset=="" || oldset.indexOf(buttonId) == -1) return oldset;
var reg = new RegExp(buttonId+",?", "gi");
var newset = oldset.replace(reg,"");
if (newset.charAt(newset.length-1) == ",") {
newset = newset.substring(0, newset.length - 1);
toolbar.setAttribute("currentset", newset);
return newset;
答案 3 :(得分:0)
以下是我编写的一个小脚本代码段,它会在您的扩展程序首次运行时向Firefox工具栏添加一个按钮:Add your extension’s toolbar button to Firefox at first run