
时间:2019-09-13 06:14:59

标签: excel vba


Sub essaie()

    Dim x As Workbook
    Dim y As Workbook
    Dim xlastcol As Integer 'variable for the last row
    Dim xcol As Variant 'variable first row
    Dim Headers() As Variant
    Dim h As Variant
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim xrow As Integer
    Dim xlastrow As Variant

    Set y = Workbooks("VBAGOOD.xlsx")
    Set x = Workbooks("Aubaine.xlsm")

    Headers() = Array("net", "date", "description")


    Set ws = y.Worksheets("try")

    xcol = 1 
    xlastcol = ws.Cells(2, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

    xrow = 2
    xlastrow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

    Do Until xcol = xlastcol 'loop through a range of data
    Do Until xrow = xlastrow

        For Each h In Headers
            If h = ws.Cells(xcol, xlastcol).Value Then
                ws.Cells(xrow, xlastrow).Select
           End If  
        Next h


End Sub


date      address     comments 

123       udhsdh      gguu

124       udhsdh      gguu

125       udhsdh      sdg

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我没有运行您的代码,但是除非丢失某些内容,否则您的Do循环将不会执行,或者会导致无限循环(因为您似乎没有更改{{1}的值) }和xcol)。



  • 从工作表A复制“数据”并粘贴到工作表B
  • 工作表A和工作表B在不同的工作簿中
  • 仅复制标题为A1:A65netdate的列(尽管您的问题是:descriptiondateaddress
  • 可以使用列comments(根据您的代码)检测到最后一行。


  • 由于您没有在代码中为Option Explicit Private Function GetHeaderColumnIndexes(ByVal someSheet As Worksheet, ParamArray headersToSearchFor() As Variant) As Long() Const HEADER_ROW_INDEX As Long = 1 ' I assume row 1, change as neccessary. Dim outputArray() As Long ReDim outputArray(LBound(headersToSearchFor) To UBound(headersToSearchFor)) Dim i As Long Dim matchResult As Variant For i = LBound(headersToSearchFor) To UBound(headersToSearchFor) matchResult = Application.Match(headersToSearchFor(i), someSheet.Rows(HEADER_ROW_INDEX), 0) Debug.Assert IsNumeric(matchResult) ' Should probably raise an error instead. outputArray(i) = matchResult Next i GetHeaderColumnIndexes = outputArray End Function Private Sub TransferDataAcrossWorkbooks() Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet Set sourceSheet = Workbooks("VBAGOOD.xlsx").Worksheets("try") ' Change as necessary Dim lastSourceRow As Long lastSourceRow = sourceSheet.Cells(sourceSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row Dim destinationSheet As Worksheet Set destinationSheet = Workbooks("Aubaine.xlsm").Worksheets("test") ' Change as necessary Dim targetColumnIndexes() As Long targetColumnIndexes = GetHeaderColumnIndexes(sourceSheet, "net", "date", "description") Dim columnIndex As Variant For Each columnIndex In targetColumnIndexes ' Would be better to use For loop instead of For each Dim rangeToCopy As Range Set rangeToCopy = Intersect(sourceSheet.Range("1:" & lastSourceRow), sourceSheet.Columns(columnIndex)) Dim destinationColumnIndex As Long destinationColumnIndex = destinationColumnIndex + 1 Dim rangeToPasteTo As Range Set rangeToPasteTo = destinationSheet.Cells(1, destinationColumnIndex) rangeToCopy.Copy rangeToPasteTo Next columnIndex End Sub 提供任何参数,因此使用了默认值,我认为这等同于常规粘贴。
  • 如果要更改此行为(例如,仅粘贴值),则可以重新引入Range.PasteSpecial并提供适当的参数。