
时间:2019-09-11 20:11:35

标签: awk grep gnuplot xmgrace

从我的Calculationa工具中,我得到了两个图,一个是xmgrace,另一个是某种dat文件格式。 xmgrace格式的前几行(例如,它是一个文件grace.agr)具有刻度标签和它们要在gnuplot脚本中使用的位置。 我的grace.dat看起来像(总的ticklabels可能更多,这里我只提到了几个)

 @ page size 595, 842
 @ view 0.120000, 0.150000, 0.900000, 1.280000
 @ default linewidth 2.0
 @ xaxis  label char size 1.5
 @ xaxis  ticklabel char size 1.25
 @ yaxis  label char size 1.5
 @ yaxis  ticklabel char size 1.25
 @ xaxis  tick major grid on
 @ xaxis  tick spec type both
 @ xaxis  tick spec           8
@ xaxis  tick major   0, 0.00000
 @ xaxis  ticklabel            0 ,"\xG"
@ xaxis  tick major   1, 0.67643
 @ xaxis  ticklabel            1 ,"M           "
@ xaxis  tick major   2, 1.06696
 @ xaxis  ticklabel            2 ,"K           "
@ xaxis  tick major   3, 1.84803
 @ xaxis  ticklabel            3 ,"\xG"
@ xaxis  tick major   4, 1.98549
 @ xaxis  ticklabel            4 ,"A           "
@ xaxis  tick major   5, 2.66192
 @ xaxis  ticklabel            5 ,"L           "
@ xaxis  tick major   6, 3.05245
 @ xaxis  ticklabel            6 ,"H           "
@ xaxis  tick major   7, 3.83352
 @ xaxis  ticklabel            7 ,"A           "
@ with g0


cat SETTICKS.dat给了我这个:
   设置xtics(“ \ xG” 0.00000,“ M” 0.67643,“ K” 1.06696,“ \ xG” 1.84803,“ A” 1.98549,“ L” 2.66192,“ H” 3.05245,“ A” 3.83352,)

grep 'bandindex:   1' -B10000 grace.agr | grep xaxis | grep 'type both' -A 1000 | grep 'xaxis  tick spec           ' -A1000 | grep '0, 0.00000' -A1000 | awk '{print $5}' | grep -v '^[0-9]' | awk '{p
rint substr($1,2); }'| awk -F\|  '{ print substr($1,1,4)}' > xlable-1.txt
# "
grep 'bandindex:   1' -B10000 grace.agr | grep xaxis | grep 'type both' -A 1000 | grep 'xaxis  tick spec           ' -A1000 | grep '0, 0.00000' -A1000 | awk '{print $5}' | grep -v '^[0-9]' | awk '{p
rint substr($1,2); }'| awk -F\|  '{ print substr($1,1,1)}' >  xlable-2.txt

paste  xlable-* | awk '$1 =$1$2 {print}' | awk '{print$1}' > xlable-3.txt

grep 'bandindex:   1' -B10000 grace.agr | grep xaxis | grep 'type both' -A 1000 | grep 'xaxis  tick spec           ' -A1000 | grep '0, 0.00000' -A1000 | awk '{print $6}' | awk '!/"/' | awk 'NF > 0'  
> xlable-4.txt

grep 'bandindex:   1' -B10000 grace.agr | grep xaxis | grep 'type both' -A 1000 | grep 'xaxis  tick spec           ' -A1000 | grep '0, 0.00000' -A1000 | awk '{print $5}' | grep -v '^[0-9]' | awk -F\
|  '{ print substr($1,1,1)}' > xlable-5.txt

paste xlable-4.txt xlable-5.txt | awk '$1 =$1$2 {print}' | awk '{print$1}' > xlable-6.txt
#cat xlable-6.txt

paste xlable-3.txt xlable-6.txt | awk '{print $1, $2}' | awk 'BEGIN { ORS = " " } { print }' >  xlable-7.txt

echo  "set xtics (" > x-tick-1.txt
echo  ")" > x-tick-2.txt

paste x-tick-1.txt xlable-7.txt x-tick-2.txt > SETTICKS.dat


set xtics ("\xG" 0.00000, "M" 0.67643, "K" 1.06696, "\xG" 1.84803 ,"A" 1.98549, "L" 2.66192, "H" 3.05245 ,"A" 3.83352,)  and then 


set arrow from 0.00000,Y11 to 0.00000,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 0.67643,Y11 to 0.67643,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 1.06696,Y11 to 1.06696,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 1.84803,Y11 to 1.84803,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 1.98549,Y11 to 1.98549,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 2.66192,Y11 to 2.66192,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 3.05245,Y11 to 3.05245,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 3.83352,Y11 to 3.83352,Y12 nohead


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



awk 'BEGIN {mystring="";FS=", *"}/tick major +[0-9]+/{myfield1=$2;getline;gsub(" ","");mystring=mystring$2" "myfield1", ";}END{print "set xtics ("mystring") and then ";}' grace.dat


set xtics ("\xG" 0.00000, "M" 0.67643, "K" 1.06696, "\xG" 1.84803, "A" 1.98549, "L" 2.66192, "H" 3.05245, "A" 3.83352, ) and then


awk 'BEGIN {FS=", *"}/tick major +[0-9]+/{myfield1=$2;getline;gsub(" ","");print "set arrow from "myfield1",Y11 to "myfield1",Y12 nohead"}' grace.dat


set arrow from 0.00000,Y11 to 0.00000,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 0.67643,Y11 to 0.67643,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 1.06696,Y11 to 1.06696,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 1.84803,Y11 to 1.84803,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 1.98549,Y11 to 1.98549,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 2.66192,Y11 to 2.66192,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 3.05245,Y11 to 3.05245,Y12 nohead
set arrow from 3.83352,Y11 to 3.83352,Y12 nohead