SessionNotCreatedException: Message: session not created
from timeout: Timed out receiving message from renderer: 600.000
(Session info: chrome=76.0.3809.132)
系统详细信息: Chrome浏览器版本:76.0.3809.132 Windows 10机器 chromedriver位置:C:\ Python27
发生:问题总是在套件的4个测试用例中发生1个。 chrome浏览器将打开600秒,然后关闭。看来屏幕正在尝试初始化浏览器。
Troubleshoot :
1. Tried downloading the latest chrome driver 76.0.3809.132
2. Tried cleaning the project and rerun
3. Restarted the system
4. Tried creating a fresh project.
5. Tried running using from eclipse, pybot, robot
6. Updated all the libraries found in pip freeze. Python 2.7.9 version used
7. Was it working with previous version of Selenium and chrome driver 76.0.3809.132 with chrome browser 76.0.3809.132? BIG YES, but now I don't know what version I was using.
8. Tried using selenium grid docker container and the script ran successfully.
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Keywords ***
Open Browser local
[Arguments] ${URL}
Open Browser ${URL} ${BROWSER}
*** Test Cases ***
[Setup] Open Browser local ${URL}
#Maximize Browser Window
Set Browser Implicit Wait 10s
Input Text id=loginid xxx
Click Button id=continue-button
Input Text id=login-password xxx
Click Button id=login-button
Sleep 10s
[Teardown] Close Browser
问题: 请让我知道如何解决此问题?