我试图使用d3绘制一些图表,并且希望数据在更新时具有过渡效果,但是我有一个非常奇怪的问题。在代码中,我预先为“ rect”节点设置了“ transition:height 2s”。样式,当我在“ setTimeout”中设置“ height”属性时,它不会每次都触发过渡效果,并且偶尔会失败。我认为,它每次都会触发过渡效果。
const updateBar = totalItem
.data(d => {
return d.data[0].values.filter((v, i) => valueUnit[i] === this._unit[0])
const addBar = updateBar
.style('height', 0)
.style('width', 20)
.style('transition', () => {
return 'height 2s'
.style('transform', 'rotateX(180deg)')
const totalBar = updateBar.merge(addBar)
// Occasionally fails when the delay is 1 millisecond
setTimeout(() => {
const that = this
.style('height', function (d, i) {
this.id = `a${i}`
// The strange thing is that although the transition effect is not triggered, there is a "transition: height 2s" style on the "rect" node.
document.getElementById(`a${i}`) ? console.log(this.style.transition) : console.log('null')
return that.mainHeight - that._scaleYL(d)
}, 1)
// It can trigger transition effects every time when the delay time is 1000 milliseconds
setTimeout(() => {
const that = this
.style('height', function (d, i) {
this.id = `a${i}`
document.getElementById(`a${i}`) ? console.log(this.style.transition) : console.log('null')
return that.mainHeight - that._scaleYL(d)
}, 1000)