我正在使用lambda来允许我使用范围内的全部值,并且在这种情况下,创建了一系列按钮,这些按钮的文本变量与其范围内的相应值相同。然后,我想创建特定于该迭代的x值的if / then语句,但问题是当x作为参数传递给函数时出现,该问题又回到被视为范围内的最后一个值,即问题后期绑定回报。
State_Full = ACTIVE
State_Null = DISABLED
Normal = NORMAL
i= 1
for x in range(1,6):
Address_Hex = hex(x).lstrip("0x")
btn = tk.Button(, height=1, width=10, relief=tk.RAISED,
disabledforeground` = "Red",state =State_Full,text= Address_Hex
,command=lambda i=i,x=x: Write_Hex(x))
btn.pack(padx=10, pady=2, side=tk.TOP)
btn_1 = tk.Button(scframe.interior, height=1, width=10, relief=tk.RAISED,
text= "Opcode_1",disabledforeground = "Red", fg = "Blue"
,command=lambda i=i,x=x: Write_Opcode_1())
btn_1.pack(padx=10, pady=2, side=tk.TOP)
def Write_Hex(x):
Address_Hex = hex(x).lstrip("0x")
T.insert(tk.END, Address_Hex)
State_1 = btn_1.cget("state")
if x <= 1 :
btn_1['state'] = State_Null
if x == 2:
btn['state'] = State_Null
#^^^^^^The problem is above here, when x is 1 or 2 all of the buttons should
turn off but only button 5 the end of the range turns off/disables^^^^^^