// function that tests if the method return an expected result
const myCustomTest = (arg: { method: (...arg: any[]) => any, arguments: any, response: any }) => {
const { method, arguments, response } = arg;
return method.apply(null, arguments) === response; // suppose this is a sync function
// given a function test1
const test1 = (arg: number, arg2: boolean): boolean => {
return true;
// then the linter should raise
myCustomTest({ method: test1, arg: [12, 12], response: true }); // wrong, second parameter is a number and not a boolean
myCustomTest({ method: test1, arg: [12, false], response: true }); // OK
// It could work with
type Arguments<T> = T extends (...args: infer U) => any ? U : any;
const myCustomTest = (arg: { method: (...arg: any[]) => any, arguments: Arguments<typeof test1>, response: ReturnType<typeof test1> }) => {
const { method, arguments, response } = arg;
return method.apply(null, arguments) === response; // suppose this is a sync function
答案 0 :(得分:1)
type Arguments<T> = T extends (...args: infer U) => any ? U : never;
const myCustomTest = <T extends (...args: any) => any>(arg: { method: T, parameters: Arguments<T>, response: ReturnType<T>}) => {
const { method, parameters, response } = arg;
return method.apply(null, parameters) === response; // suppose this is a sync function
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