仅通过扬声器和耳机进行音频播放,仅在Fedora 30,Asus Zenbook上发出爆裂声

时间:2019-08-20 13:08:09

标签: fedora alsa pulseaudio

我在华硕Zenbook UX390U上使用Fedora 30,除了爆裂的声音之外,什么都听不到耳机的声音。当我将笔记本电脑启动到Windows时,扬声器工作正常,而这些耳机工作正常。在重新启动之前,我摆弄了一下,担心自己可能损坏了一些东西-同时,由于我已经进行了一些设置,因此我试图避免完全重置。


在全新安装中,我遇到了扬声器无法更改音量的问题,因此我按照此处的说明进行操作:https://askubuntu.com/questions/906303/volume-control-on-asus-zenbook-3(实际上是通过conf文件更改了一些PulseAudio设置,因此可以遵守音量更改)-后来我注意到我的耳机音量无法正常工作-最终的解决方法是编辑一些类似的PulseAudio conf文件,但是在我意识到自己做了几件事之前,  -尝试(失败)从源代码安装名为using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; [System.Serializable] public class ColorToPrefab { public Color32 color; public GameObject prefab; } public class LevelLoader : MonoBehaviour { public Texture2D levelMap; public ColorToPrefab[] colorToPrefab; private bool isEmpty = false; void Start () { InvokeRepeating("LoadMap", 0.1f, 10f); } void EmptyMap() { // Find all of our children and...eliminate them. while(transform.childCount > 0) { Transform c = transform.GetChild(0); c.SetParent(null); Destroy(c.gameObject); } } void LoadMap() { EmptyMap(); // Get the raw pixels from the level image map Color32[] allPixels = levelMap.GetPixels32(); int width = levelMap.width; int height = levelMap.height; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { SpawnTileAt(allPixels[(y * width) + x], x, y); } } } void SpawnTileAt(Color32 c, int x, int y) { // If this is a transparent pixel, then it's meant to just be empty. if (c.a == 0) { return; } // Define player and get position var player = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player"); var playerPosX = (int)player.transform.position.x; var playerPosY = (int)player.transform.position.y; // Define range to spawn tiles in var rangeX = 100; var rangeXInfront = playerPosX + rangeX; var rangeXBehind = playerPosX - rangeX; var rangeY = 20; var rangeYInfront = playerPosY + rangeY; var rangeYBehind = playerPosY - rangeY; foreach (ColorToPrefab ctp in colorToPrefab) { // Define tile spawn position var spawnPos = new Vector3(x, y, 0); // Define already spawned tiles var groundTiles = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Ground"); foreach (GameObject tile in groundTiles) { // Get existing tiles position var tilePos = tile.transform.position; // Check if there is an overlap if (tilePos == spawnPos) { isEmpty = false; } else { isEmpty = true; } } if (c.Equals(ctp.color) && x >= rangeXBehind && x <= rangeXInfront && y >= rangeYBehind && y <= rangeYInfront && isEmpty) { // Spawn the prefab at the right location GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(ctp.prefab, new Vector2(x, y), Quaternion.identity); return; } } // If we got to this point, it means we did not find a matching color in our array. Debug.LogError("No color to prefab found for " + c.ToString()); } } 的PulseAudio首选项实用程序,包括安装gtkmm-3.0 gcc和其他一些开发工具  -已安装Flash插件(与调试无关-我是出于其他原因进行的-但可能与问题有关)

从那时起,我尝试解决的问题:  -删除PulseAudio插件(并且自从重新安装以来)  -移除闪光灯  -重新安装alsa-utils  -通过alsamixer改变音量  -检查dmesg是否有任何有趣的东西(没有运气)  -按照此处的步骤操作:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_debug_sound_problems,包括搜索自定义模型参数(不走运)


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