
时间:2019-08-19 22:17:55

标签: javascript html

我一直在尝试找出如何使用JavaScript获取鼠标的轮询率。我已经搜索了大部分SO问题,但似乎没有一个问题能引导我走上正确的道路。当我进行研究时,遇到了this site,这正是我一直在寻找的东西,但是我不确定他们是如何实现的。有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗?

在网站上进行了更多的挖掘,我能够找到以下代码,但是我无法完全理解。有人可以阐明这一点吗? 如何在不窃取代码的情况下复制它?我希望能够理解这一点,以便尝试自己编写。

var fps = 4;
var count = 0;
var tick = 0;
var total = 0;
var tmr = null;
var testExp = new RegExp('Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|' + 'BlackBerry|Windows Phone|' + 'Opera Mini|IEMobile|Mobile', 'i');
var isDesktop = !(testExp['test'](navigator['userAgent']));
var isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i ['test'](navigator['userAgent']);
var isIE = false || !!document['documentMode'];
var body = document['querySelector']('body');
var divCanvas = document['createElement']('DIV');
var current = document['createElement']('TEXTAREA');
var average = document['createElement']('P');
var canvas;
var ctx;
current['cols'] = '10';
current['rows'] = '20';
current['readOnly'] = true;
current['style']['fontSize'] = '14px';
current['style']['position'] = 'absolute';
current['style']['top'] = '10px';
current['style']['right'] = '20px';
current['style']['color'] = 'white';
current['style']['backgroundColor'] = 'black';
average['style']['position'] = 'absolute';
average['style']['top'] = '190px';
average['style']['left'] = '35%';
average['style']['width'] = '400px';
average['style']['color'] = '#CC0040';
average['style']['backgroundColor'] = 'black';

function updateCount() {
    total += count;
    var _0x1d38x11 = document['createTextNode'](count * fps + ' Hz\x0A');
    current['scrollTop'] = current['scrollHeight'];
    var _0x1d38x12 = canvas['width'] / 2 - 200;
    ctx['fillStyle'] = 'black';
    ctx['fillRect'](_0x1d38x12, 190, 400, 60);
    var _0x1d38x13 = 'Average: ';
    var _0x1d38x14 = Math['ceil'](fps * total / tick);
    var _0x1d38x15 = ' Hz';
    ctx['textAlign'] = 'left';
    ctx['font'] = '40px Montserrat, Arial, sans-serif';
    ctx['fillStyle'] = 'white';
    ctx['fillText'](_0x1d38x13, _0x1d38x12, 240);
    var _0x1d38x16 = ctx['measureText'](_0x1d38x13);
    ctx['font'] = '60px Montserrat, Arial, sans-serif';
    ctx['fillStyle'] = '#CC0040';
    var _0x1d38x17 = ctx['measureText'](_0x1d38x14);
    ctx['fillText'](_0x1d38x14, _0x1d38x12 + _0x1d38x16['width'], 240);
    ctx['font'] = '40px Montserrat, Arial, sans-serif';
    ctx['fillStyle'] = 'white';
    ctx['fillText']('Hz', _0x1d38x12 + _0x1d38x16['width'] + _0x1d38x17['width'], 240);
    count = 0;
    if (tick > 3 * fps) {
        tick = 0;
        total = 0

function degToRad(_0x1d38x19) { var _0x1d38x1a = Math['PI'] / 180 * _0x1d38x19; return _0x1d38x1a }

function eventWindowLoaded() { canvasDraw() }
var x = 50;
var y = 50;

function canvasDraw() {
    if (x > canvas['clientWidth'] + 20) { x = 0 };
    if (y > canvas['clientHeight'] + 20) { y = 0 };
    if (x < -20) { x = canvas['clientWidth'] };
    if (y < -20) { y = canvas['clientHeight'] };
    ctx['fillStyle'] = 'white';
    ctx['textAlign'] = 'center';
    ctx['font'] = '60px Montserrat, Arial, sans-serif';
    ctx['fillText']('Mouse Rate Checker', canvas['width'] / 2, 100);
    ctx['font'] = '40px Montserrat, Arial, sans-serif';
    ctx['fillText']('Please click and move your mouse to start.', canvas['width'] / 2, 160)

function lockChangeAlert() {
    count = 0;
    tick = 0;
    total = 0;
    if (document['pointerLockElement'] === canvas || document['mozPointerLockElement'] === canvas) {
        document['addEventListener']('mousemove', canvasLoopMm, false);
        if (tmr) { clearInterval(tmr) };
        tmr = setInterval(updateCount, 1000 / fps)
    } else {
        document['removeEventListener']('mousemove', canvasLoopMm, false);
        tmr = null

function canvasLoop(_0x1d38x21) {
    var _0x1d38x22 = _0x1d38x21['movementX'] || _0x1d38x21['mozMovementX'] || 0;
    var _0x1d38x23 = _0x1d38x21['movementY'] || _0x1d38x21['mozMovementY'] || 0;
    x += _0x1d38x22;
    y += _0x1d38x23

function canvasLoopMm(_0x1d38x25) {
    var _0x1d38x26 = 'getCoalescedEvents' in _0x1d38x25 ? _0x1d38x25['getCoalescedEvents']() : [_0x1d38x25];
    for (e in _0x1d38x26) {

function divLoopMm(_0x1d38x21) { count++ }
var w = window['innerWidth'] || document['documentElement']['clientWidth'] || document['body']['clientWidth'];
var h = window['innerHeight'] || document['documentElement']['clientHeight'] || document['body']['clientHeight'];
if (!isDesktop) {
    console['log']('DOES NOT SUPPORT MOBILE DEVICES');
    var h1 = document['createElement']('H1');
    h1['innerHTML'] = 'Mouse Rate Checker';
    average['innerHTML'] = 'Can\'t be used on mobile devices'
} else {
    if (isSafari || isIE) {
        divCanvas['setAttribute']('style', 'width:' + w + 'px');
        divCanvas['setAttribute']('style', 'height:' + h + 'px');
        var h1 = document['createElement']('H1');
        h1['innerHTML'] = 'Mouse Rate Checker';
        average['innerHTML'] = 'Does not support IE or Safari.'
    } else {
        window['addEventListener']('load', eventWindowLoaded, false);
        canvas = document['createElement']('CANVAS');
        ctx = canvas['getContext']('2d');
        canvas['setAttribute']('width', w);
        canvas['setAttribute']('height', h);
        window['onclick'] = function () {
            count = 0;
            tick = 0;
            total = 0;
            if (tmr) {
                document['removeEventListener']('pointermove', canvasLoopMm);
                tmr = null
            } else {
                document['addEventListener']('pointermove', canvasLoopMm);
                if (tmr) { clearInterval(tmr) };
                tmr = setInterval(updateCount, 1000 / fps)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


<div id="frequency"></div>
var frequency = 0;
var pos;
var lasttime = 0;
var mousePos = {};
mousePos.x = 0;
mousePos.y = 0;
document.onmousemove = handleMouseMove;
setInterval(getMousePosition, 1); // setInterval repeats every X ms
function handleMouseMove(event) {
    var dot, eventDoc, doc, body, pageX, pageY;
    event = event || window.event; // IE-ism
    mousePos = {
        x: event.pageX,
        y: event.pageY
function getMousePosition() {
    var newpos = mousePos.x+'_'+mousePos.y;
    if (pos != newpos) {
        var newtime = window.performance.now();
        var elapsed_time = newtime-lasttime;
        var newfrequency = parseInt(1000/elapsed_time);
        if(newfrequency > frequency){
            frequency = newfrequency;
            document.getElementById('frequency').innerHTML = frequency+'hz';
        pos = newpos;
        lasttime = newtime;
