无效的模板资源属性'Fn :: Base64'

时间:2019-08-19 20:36:52

标签: amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 amazon-cloudformation




              "#!/bin/bash \n",
              "sudo apt-get update \n",
              "sudo apt-get install wget python -y \n",
              "echo UD_OF_EC2_1 >> /var/log/user-data.log \n",
              "echo UD_OF_EC2_2 >> /var/log/user-data.log \n",
              "echo UD_OF_EC2_3 >> /var/log/user-data.log \n"


请验证此模板是什么问题? 我尝试从git hub编辑示例模板,以添加面对该问题的用户数据


   "Description":"AWS CloudFormer Beta - template creation prototype application. This tool allows you to create an AWS CloudFormation template from the AWS resources in your AWS account. **Warning** This template creates a single t1.micro instance in your account to run the application - you will be billed for the instance at normal AWS EC2 rates for the t1.micro.",
         "Description":" The IP address range that can be used to access the CloudFormer tool. NOTE: We highly recommend that you specify a customized address range to lock down the tool.",
         "ConstraintDescription":"must be a valid IP CIDR range of the form x.x.x.x/x."
                  "#!/bin/bash -xe",
                  "/bin/touch /tmp/confirm_work.txt"
            "GroupDescription":"Enable Access via port 80",
         "Description":"AWS CloudFormer Prototype URL. Use this endpoint to create templates from your account.",

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