
时间:2019-08-18 11:35:24

标签: android flutter dart



_displayDialog()取消了该应用程序,并且 //* This is the code for cancelling the applcation Future<bool> _onBackPressed() { return showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) => AlertDialog( title: Text("Do you really want to exit the app?"), actions: <Widget>[ FlatButton( child: Text("No"), onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context, false), ), FlatButton( child: Text("Yes"), onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context, true), ), ], ), ); } //* Dialog box requesting the contact info of user _displayDialog(BuildContext context) async { return showDialog( context: context, builder: (context) { return AlertDialog( title: Text('Enter a phone number to contact you for the delivery.'), content: TextField( autofocus: false, controller: _textFieldController, keyboardType: TextInputType.phone, maxLength: 10, decoration: InputDecoration( hintText: "Enter a contact number", prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.phone), errorText: _validate ? 'Value Can\'t Be Empty' : null, ), ), actions: <Widget>[ new FlatButton( child: new Text('Done'), onPressed: () { numberValidation(); }, ) ], ); }, ); } numberValidation() { if (_textFieldController.text.isEmpty) { print("Number not entered"); } else { setState(() { contact = _textFieldController.text; createOrder(); Navigator.of(context).pop(); }); } } //* Function that creates CRM leads createOrder() async { Navigator.of(context).pop(); _getOrders().then((_) { return Navigator.pushReplacement( context, new MaterialPageRoute( builder: (BuildContext context) => new LocationRoute(), )); }); } 打开了一个框,当我们单击“完成”时,它会弹出警报框并导航到新页面。



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