
时间:2019-08-17 22:11:17

标签: sql sql-server-2016



drop table if exists #date
drop table if exists #test

create table #date
        calendar_date date

insert into #date

create table #test
        id int,
        period_date date,
        decision_status varchar(20),
        credit_score int,
        expired_flag bit

insert into #test (id,period_date,decision_status,credit_score,expired_flag)


select id, calendar_date, period_date, decision_status, credit_score, expired_flag
from #date join
     on calendar_date=dateadd(day,-1,period_date)
order by id, calendar_date


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可能只需要left join:只需要left join

select t.id, d.calendar_date, t.period_date, t.decision_status, t.credit_score, t.expired_flag
from #date d left join
     #test t
     on d.calendar_date = dateadd(day, -1, t.period_date)
order by id, d.calendar_date;

如果“应用程序”是指id中的#test,则使用cross join生成行,并使用outer apply填写值:

select t.id, d.calendar_date, t.period_date, t.decision_status, t.credit_score, t.expired_flag
from #date d cross join
     (select distinct id from #test) i outer apply
     (select top (1) t.*
      from #test t
      where t.id = i.id and t.date <= d.date
      order by t.date desc
     ) t

答案 1 :(得分:0)

更新: 在收到Gordon的答复后,这给了我一些启发,使我朝正确的方向前进,并进行了一些附加研究,我似乎找到了一种可行的解决方案。如果有人遇到此问题,我想在这里分享解决方案。我在下面发布代码:

drop table if exists #date
drop table if exists #test
drop table if exists #test1
drop table if exists #row_num

create table #date
        calendar_date date

insert into #date

create table #test
        id int,
        period_date date,
        decision_status varchar(20),
        credit_score int,
        expired_flag bit

insert into #test (id,period_date,decision_status,credit_score,expired_flag)

select id,calendar_date,decision_status,credit_score,expired_flag
      ,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by id,calendar_date order by calendar_date) as row_id
      ,cast(ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by id,calendar_date order by calendar_date) as char(1)) as row_num
into #test1
from #date
join #test
    on calendar_date=dateadd(day,-1,period_date)
order by id,calendar_date

create table #row_num
        row_id int,
        row_num char(1)

insert into #row_num

select i.id 
       ,coalesce(t.decision_status,t1.decision_status) as decision_status
       ,coalesce(t.credit_score,t1.credit_score) as credit_score
       ,coalesce(t.expired_flag,t1.expired_flag) as expired_flag
from #date d 
     cross join
     (select distinct id 
      from #test1 ) i
     cross join #row_num r 
     left join #test1 t
        on t.id=i.id
        and t.row_id=r.row_id
        and t.calendar_date=d.calendar_date
     (select id,row_id,decision_status,credit_score,expired_flag
             ,calendar_date as start_date
             ,lead(calendar_date,1,dateadd(day,1,(select max(calendar_date) from #date)))
              over (partition by id,row_id order by calendar_date) as end_date
      from #test1
     ) t1
        on t1.id=i.id
        and t1.row_id=r.row_id
        and d.calendar_date>=t1.start_date
        and d.calendar_date<t1.end_date
order by i.id,d.calendar_date,r.row_id
