用一行函数填充一个numpy 2D数组

时间:2019-08-14 19:05:19

标签: python numpy



1DArray = ['A','B','C','D']
N = len(1DArray)
2DArray = np.zeros((N,N))
for i in range(N):
    for j in range (i, N):
        2DArray[i,j] = function(1DArray[i], 1DArray[j])

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

2DArray = [[0 for _ in range(i)] + [function(1DArray[i], 1DArray[j]) for j in range(i,N)] for i in range (N)]

[0 for _ in range(i)]在未受影响的位置加0。您可以删除该列表以获取长度为N-j


答案 1 :(得分:0)


public class Distribution100


public static void main(String[] args)


    int numberOfArgs = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); // Integer n is equal to command line arguments.

int n[] = new int[numberOfArgs];

int[] array = new int[numberOfArgs]; // Establish new array and fill with integers from command line argument.

int low = 0; // Create integer low and set it to zero. This will be used later to count up based on the Command Line Argument values.

int high = 0; // create integer high and set it to zero. This will be used later to count up based on the Command Line Argument values.

for(int i = 0; i < numberOfArgs; i++) 

/*For loop to read through the array and then follow the below steps. "args.length" will run the loop based on how many arguments are entered in the command line argument. */


        array[i] = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);

            if (array[i] >= 1 && array[i] <= 50) // if the number in the array falls between 1 and 50 do the next step


                    low++; // Increase low integer count by 1


            else if (array[i] > 50 && array[i] <= 100) // If the number in the array falls between 50 and 100 do the next step


                    high++; // Increase low integer count by 1



    System.out.println(low + " Numbers are less than or equal to 50.");

    System.out.println(high + " Numbers are higher than 50.");

