我在运行量角器e2e测试用例时遇到问题,而在执行命令yarn e2e项目时未直接运行测试用例。
enter code here
I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver
[13:22:18] I/direct - Using ChromeDriver directly...
But when I tried using new project everything is working fine.
While running new project e2e below command excuted and project is running
C:\Users\h1\test\test>ng e2e
[12:21:42] I/file_manager - creating folder C:\Users\h1\test\test\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium
[12:21:42] I/config_source - curl -oC:\Users\h1\test\test\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium\chrome-response.xml https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/
[12:21:44] I/downloader - curl -oC:\Users\h1\test\test\node_modules\protractor\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium/chromedriver_76.0.3809.12.zip https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/76.0.3809.12/chromedriver_win32.zip
[12:21:45] I/update - chromedriver: unzipping chromedriver_76.0.3809.12.zip
10% building 3/3 modules 0 activei 「wds」: Project is running at http://localhost:4200/webpack-dev-server/
i 「wds」: webpack output is served from /
i 「wds」: 404s will fallback to //index.html
chunk {main} main.js, main.js.map (main) 11.5 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {polyfills} polyfills.js, polyfills.js.map (polyfills) 251 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {runtime} runtime.js, runtime.js.map (runtime) 6.09 kB [entry] [rendered]
chunk {styles} styles.js, styles.js.map (styles) 16.3 kB [initial] [rendered]
chunk {vendor} vendor.js, vendor.js.map (vendor) 4.02 MB [initial] [rendered]
Date: 2019-08-11T06:52:44.932Z - Hash: 3c013b8d542f104dca32 - Time: 30492ms
** Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:4200, open your browser on http://localhost:4200/ **
i 「wdm」: Compiled successfully.
[12:22:48] I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver
[12:22:48] I/direct - Using ChromeDriver directly...
DevTools listening on ws://
Jasmine started
workspace-project App
√ should display welcome message`enter code here`
Executed 1 of 1 spec SUCCESS in 2 secs.
[12:23:25] I/launcher - 0 instance(s) of WebDriver still running
[12:23:25] I/launcher - chrome #01 passed