我有一个使用Azure ML Workspace的autoML功能训练的StackEnsemble模型。当我尝试将其部署为Web服务时收到以下错误(CrashLoopBackOff)。 现在,我强烈怀疑它与模型本身/所需的依赖关系有关。当我将score.py中的模型名称交换给另一个(不是StackEnsemble(带有缩放器),而是一个普通的XGBoost)时,该服务的创建就没有问题了。
我有以下问题: -我如何找出StackEnsemble内包含哪些模型/算法,以正确构建容器/依赖项列表? -有什么方法可以找出实际的错误所在吗?我的意思是除了创建我的本地容器并在那里调试之外... 我试图按照文档使用service.get_logs()来获取日志,但是那里什么也没有,只有最后5行没有指向任何问题。
WebserviceException: Service deployment polling reached non-successful terminal state, current service state: Failed
"code": "AciDeploymentFailed",
"message": "Aci Deployment failed with exception: Your container application crashed. This may be caused by errors in your scoring file's init() function.\nPlease check the logs for your container instance: classifier-bwp-ls5923-v1. From the AML SDK, you can run print(service.get_logs()) if you have service object to fetch the logs. \nYou can also try to run image mlws219f9669.azurecr.io/classifier-bwp-ls5923-v1:4 locally. Please refer to http://aka.ms/debugimage#service-launch-fails for more information.",
"details": [
"code": "CrashLoopBackOff",
"message": "Your container application crashed. This may be caused by errors in your scoring file's init() function.\nPlease check the logs for your container instance: classifier-bwp-ls5923-v1. From the AML SDK, you can run print(service.get_logs()) if you have service object to fetch the logs. \nYou can also try to run image mlws219f9669.azurecr.io/classifier-bwp-ls5923-v1:4 locally. Please refer to http://aka.ms/debugimage#service-launch-fails for more information."
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