
时间:2019-08-05 18:56:37

标签: awk

我正试图从样本中找到土地面积百分比最大的县。然后,我尝试打印县和陆地区域的名称“ PERCENTAGE”。


BEGIN { FS="\t"}
BEGIN {mostland = 0} {countyname} {landpercent = $4 /($4+$3)} {if (landpercent > mostland) mostland = landpercent; countyname = $1}
END {if (NR) print countyname " has the largest percentage of land at " mostland "%"}

My test.txt
largest 10000   100 10
medium  5000    50  5
small   1000    25  1

它为“最大”显示正确的百分比。但是它返回“ small”作为县名。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

一些包围问题。 BEGIN {}需要在每行之前设置变量。您正在按行重置。另外,您的if ()都需要两个子句中的{}


$ awk 'BEGIN { FS="\t"; mostland = 0; countyname = ""} {landpercent = $4 /($4+$3)} {if (landpercent > mostland) {mostland = landpercent; countyname = $1}} END {print countyname " has the largest percentage of land at " mostland "%"}' infile.txt 
largest has the largest percentage of land at 0.0909091%