corr_test <- cor.test(values, use = "pairwise", method="kendall")
但是我需要p值。我找不到任何为kendall相关提供p值的软件包。 如何计算kendall tau相关系数的p值?
此任务的最终目标是生成一个相关图,其中彩色单元格表示显着的相关系数。我使用kendall tau是因为数据中有很多联系,并且一个变量是一个因素。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
# Use some data
mat <- iris[,1:4]
# Index combinations of columns
# Not very efficient, but it'll do for now
idx <- expand.grid(colnames(mat), colnames(mat))
# Loop over indices, calculate p-value
pvals <- apply(idx, 1, function(i){
x <- mat[,i[[1]]]
y <- mat[,i[[2]]]
cor.test(x, y, method = "kendall")$p.value
# Combine indices with pvalues, do some sort of multiple testing correction
# Note that we are testing column combinations twice
# so we're overcorrecting with the FDR here
pvals <- cbind.data.frame(idx, pvals = p.adjust(pvals, "fdr"))
# Calculate basic correlation
cors <- cor(mat, method = "kendall")
cors <- reshape2::melt(cors)
# Indices of correlations and pvalues should be the same, thus can be merged
if (identical(cors[,1:2], pvals[,1:2])) {
df <- cbind.data.frame(pvals, cor = cors[,3])
# Plot a matrix
ggplot(df, aes(Var1, Var2, fill = ifelse(pvals < 0.05, cor, 0))) +
geom_raster() +
scale_fill_gradient2(name = "Significant Correlation", limits = c(-1, 1))
另一种选择是使用idx <- t(combn(colnames(mat), 2))