
时间:2019-07-24 14:50:43

标签: java xuggler xuggle




http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/BigBuckBunny.mp4 http://techslides.com/demos/sample-videos/small.mp4


http://techslides.com/demos/sample-videos/small.3gp http://www.engr.colostate.edu/me/facil/dynamics/files/drop.avi


import io.humble.video.Decoder;
import io.humble.video.Demuxer;
import io.humble.video.DemuxerStream;
import io.humble.video.Global;
import io.humble.video.Media;
import io.humble.video.MediaDescriptor;
import io.humble.video.MediaPacket;
import io.humble.video.MediaPicture;
import io.humble.video.Rational;
import io.humble.video.awt.ImageFrame;
import io.humble.video.awt.MediaPictureConverter;
import io.humble.video.awt.MediaPictureConverterFactory;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;

 * Opens a media file, finds the first video stream, and then plays it.
 * This is meant as a demonstration program to teach the use of the Humble API.
 * <p>
 * Concepts introduced:
 * </p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>MediaPicture: {@link MediaPicture} objects represent uncompressed video in Humble.</li>
 * <li>Timestamps: All {@link Media} objects in Humble have a timestamp, and this demonstration introduces the concept of having to worry about <i>when</i> to display information.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p> 
 * To run from maven, do:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 * mvn install exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="io.humble.video.demos.DecodeAndPlayVideo" -Dexec.args="filename.mp4"
 * </pre>
 * @author aclarke
public class DecodeAndPlayVideo {

   * Opens a file, and plays the video from it on a screen at the right rate.
   * @param filename The file or URL to play.
  private static void playVideo(String filename) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
     * Start by creating a container object, in this case a demuxer since
     * we are reading, to get video data from.
    Demuxer demuxer = Demuxer.make();

     * Open the demuxer with the filename passed on.
    demuxer.open(filename, null, false, true, null, null);

     * Query how many streams the call to open found
    int numStreams = demuxer.getNumStreams();

     * Iterate through the streams to find the first video stream
    int videoStreamId = -1;
    long streamStartTime = Global.NO_PTS;
    Decoder videoDecoder = null;
    for(int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
      final DemuxerStream stream = demuxer.getStream(i);
      streamStartTime = stream.getStartTime();
      final Decoder decoder = stream.getDecoder();
      if (decoder != null && decoder.getCodecType() == MediaDescriptor.Type.MEDIA_VIDEO) {
        videoStreamId = i;
        videoDecoder = decoder;
        // stop at the first one.
    if (videoStreamId == -1)
      throw new RuntimeException("could not find video stream in container: "+filename);

     * Now we have found the audio stream in this file.  Let's open up our decoder so it can
     * do work.
    videoDecoder.open(null, null);

    final MediaPicture picture = MediaPicture.make(

    /** A converter object we'll use to convert the picture in the video to a BGR_24 format that Java Swing
     * can work with. You can still access the data directly in the MediaPicture if you prefer, but this
     * abstracts away from this demo most of that byte-conversion work. Go read the source code for the
     * converters if you're a glutton for punishment.
    final MediaPictureConverter converter = 
    BufferedImage image = null;

     * This is the Window we will display in. See the code for this if you're curious, but to keep this demo clean
     * we're 'simplifying' Java AWT UI updating code. This method just creates a single window on the UI thread, and blocks
     * until it is displayed.
    final ImageFrame window = ImageFrame.make();
    if (window == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Attempting this demo on a headless machine, and that will not work. Sad day for you.");

     * Media playback, like comedy, is all about timing. Here we're going to introduce <b>very very basic</b>
     * timing. This code is deliberately kept simple (i.e. doesn't worry about A/V drift, garbage collection pause time, etc.)
     * because that will quickly make things more complicated. 
     * But the basic idea is there are two clocks:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Player Clock: The time that the player sees (relative to the system clock).</li>
     * <li>Stream Clock: Each stream has its own clock, and the ticks are measured in units of time-bases</li>
     * </ul>
     * And we need to convert between the two units of time. Each MediaPicture and MediaAudio object have associated
     * time stamps, and much of the complexity in video players goes into making sure the right picture (or sound) is
     * seen (or heard) at the right time. This is actually very tricky and many folks get it wrong -- watch enough
     * Netflix and you'll see what I mean -- audio and video slightly out of sync. But for this demo, we're erring for
     * 'simplicity' of code, not correctness. It is beyond the scope of this demo to make a full fledged video player.

    // Calculate the time BEFORE we start playing.
    long systemStartTime = System.nanoTime();
    // Set units for the system time, which because we used System.nanoTime will be in nanoseconds.
    final Rational systemTimeBase = Rational.make(1, 1000000000);
    // All the MediaPicture objects decoded from the videoDecoder will share this timebase.
    final Rational streamTimebase = videoDecoder.getTimeBase();

     * Now, we start walking through the container looking at each packet. This
     * is a decoding loop, and as you work with Humble you'll write a lot
     * of these.
     * Notice how in this loop we reuse all of our objects to avoid
     * reallocating them. Each call to Humble resets objects to avoid
     * unnecessary reallocation.
    final MediaPacket packet = MediaPacket.make();
    while(demuxer.read(packet) >= 0) {
       * Now we have a packet, let's see if it belongs to our video stream
      if (packet.getStreamIndex() == videoStreamId)
         * A packet can actually contain multiple sets of samples (or frames of samples
         * in decoding speak).  So, we may need to call decode  multiple
         * times at different offsets in the packet's data.  We capture that here.
        int offset = 0;
        int bytesRead = 0;
        do {
          bytesRead += videoDecoder.decode(picture, packet, offset);
          if (picture.isComplete()) {
            image = displayVideoAtCorrectTime(streamStartTime, picture,
                converter, image, window, systemStartTime, systemTimeBase,
          offset += bytesRead;
        } while (offset < packet.getSize());

    // Some video decoders (especially advanced ones) will cache
    // video data before they begin decoding, so when you are done you need
    // to flush them. The convention to flush Encoders or Decoders in Humble Video
    // is to keep passing in null until incomplete samples or packets are returned.
    do {
      videoDecoder.decode(picture, null, 0);
      if (picture.isComplete()) {
        image = displayVideoAtCorrectTime(streamStartTime, picture, converter,
            image, window, systemStartTime, systemTimeBase, streamTimebase);
    } while (picture.isComplete());

    // It is good practice to close demuxers when you're done to free
    // up file handles. Humble will EVENTUALLY detect if nothing else
    // references this demuxer and close it then, but get in the habit
    // of cleaning up after yourself, and your future girlfriend/boyfriend
    // will appreciate it.

    // similar with the demuxer, for the windowing system, clean up after yourself.

   * Takes the video picture and displays it at the right time.
  private static BufferedImage displayVideoAtCorrectTime(long streamStartTime,
      final MediaPicture picture, final MediaPictureConverter converter,
      BufferedImage image, final ImageFrame window, long systemStartTime,
      final Rational systemTimeBase, final Rational streamTimebase)
      throws InterruptedException {
    long streamTimestamp = picture.getTimeStamp();
    // convert streamTimestamp into system units (i.e. nano-seconds)
    streamTimestamp = systemTimeBase.rescale(streamTimestamp-streamStartTime, streamTimebase);
    // get the current clock time, with our most accurate clock
    long systemTimestamp = System.nanoTime();
    // loop in a sleeping loop until we're within 1 ms of the time for that video frame.
    // a real video player needs to be much more sophisticated than this.
    while (streamTimestamp > (systemTimestamp - systemStartTime + 1000000)) {
      systemTimestamp = System.nanoTime();
    // finally, convert the image from Humble format into Java images.
    image = converter.toImage(image, picture);
    // And ask the UI thread to repaint with the new image.
    return image;

   * Takes a media container (file) as the first argument, opens it,
   * opens up a window and plays back the video.
   * @param args Must contain one string which represents a filename
   * @throws IOException 
   * @throws InterruptedException 
  public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException

    if (args==null || args.length==0 ) {
        args = new String[] {""};
    final Options options = new Options();
    options.addOption("h", "help", false, "displays help");
    options.addOption("v", "version", false, "version of this library");

    final CommandLineParser parser = new org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser();
    try {
      final CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
      if (cmd.hasOption("version")) {
        // let's find what version of the library we're running
        final String version = io.humble.video_native.Version.getVersionInfo();
        System.out.println("Humble Version: " + version);
      } else if (cmd.hasOption("help") || args.length == 0) {
        final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp(DecodeAndPlayVideo.class.getCanonicalName() + " <filename>", options);
      } else {
        final String[] parsedArgs = cmd.getArgs();
        for(String arg: parsedArgs)
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      System.err.println("Exception parsing command line: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());





ERROR io.humble.video.DemuxerStream - HumbleRuntimeError("could not find decoding codec"): could not find decoding codec (DemuxerStream.cpp:71)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: could not find decoding codec
    at io.humble.video.VideoJNI.DemuxerStream_getDecoder(Native Method)
    at io.humble.video.DemuxerStream.getDecoder(DemuxerStream.java:140)
    at com.example.test.DecodeAndPlayVideo.playVideo(DecodeAndPlayVideo.java:81)
    at com.example.test.DecodeAndPlayVideo.main(DecodeAndPlayVideo.java:266)


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