from netCDF4 import Dataset
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
nest_1_filename = "nests/expt_91.2-1.nc"
# Reading the nest data.
ncid_1 = Dataset(nest_1_filename, "r+", format = "NETCDF4")
# Getting the values of Longitude from the nestfile.
lon_1 = ncid_1.variables['lon']
# Getting the values of Latitude from the nestfile.
lat_1 = ncid_1.variables['lat']
# Getting the values of U-velocity from the nestfile.
zu_1 = ncid_1.variables['water_u']
# Getting the values of V-velocity from the nestfile.
zv_1 = ncid_1.variables['water_v']
# Removing single-dimensional entries.
mask_1 = squeeze(zu_1[0][0][:][:])
mask_2 = squeeze(zv_1[0][0][:][:])
X, Y = np.meshgrid(transpose(lon_1), transpose(lat_1))
quiver(X, Y, mask_1, mask_2, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale = 1, headwidth=25, headlength=10, minshaft = 50)
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您必须调整箭头的比例和宽度。尝试比例= 0.33,宽度= 0.003。忽略头宽,头长和最小轴。