我已经设计了Widget构建方法,以显示圆形进度指示器,直到计算出Mandelbrot点为止(这需要几秒钟)-它检查布尔值标志“ _gotPointValues”,并显示进度指示器是否为假。
问题在于async / await机制不等待长时间运行的计算完成。
print(“ **从异步将来获得数据**”);
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:phil_flutter_app/mandelbrot_painter.dart';
import 'package:phil_flutter_app/mandelbrot_points.dart';
/// This class defines a Mandelbrot widget.
class MandelbrotWidget extends StatefulWidget
MandelbrotWidgetState createState()
return MandelbrotWidgetState();
/// This class defines a Mandelbrot widget state.
class MandelbrotWidgetState extends State<MandelbrotWidget>
int _pointsWidth;
int _pointsHeight;
int _maxIterations;
MandelbrotPoints _mandelbrotPoints;
MandelbrotPainter _mandelbrotPainter;
List _pointValues;
bool _gotPointValues;
/// Initialise.
void initState()
_pointsWidth = 1080;
_pointsHeight = 1920;
_maxIterations = 256;
_mandelbrotPoints = new MandelbrotPoints(_pointsWidth, _pointsHeight, _maxIterations);
_mandelbrotPainter = new MandelbrotPainter(_pointsWidth, _pointsHeight);
_pointValues = null;
_gotPointValues = false;
/// Get the mandelbrot points.
void _getMandelbrotPoints() async
_pointValues = await _mandelbrotPoints.calculateMandelbrotPoints();
print("** Got data from async future **");
setState(() {
_gotPointValues = true;
Widget build(BuildContext context)
return Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Colors.black,
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("PH - Mandelbrot Test - Google Flutter"),
centerTitle: true
body: _buildBody(),
floatingActionButton: new FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: _redraw,
tooltip: 'Refresh',
child: Icon(Icons.refresh),
floatingActionButtonLocation: FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerFloat
/// Build the body.
Widget _buildBody()
if (_gotPointValues)
print("** Building fractal **");
return new Center(
child: new CustomPaint(
painter: _mandelbrotPainter,
child: Center()
print("** Building progress indicator **");
return new Center(
child: new CircularProgressIndicator()
/// Redraw.
void _redraw()
/// This class calculates points for the Mandelbrot fractal.
class MandelbrotPoints
int width;
int height;
int _maxIterations;
/// Constructor.
MandelbrotPoints(int width, int height, int _maxIterations)
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this._maxIterations = _maxIterations;
/// Calculate the Mandelbrot points.
Future<List> calculateMandelbrotPoints() async
int w = width;
int h = height;
List _pointValues = new List.generate(w, (i)
=> new List(h));
int xOffset = 0;
int yOffset = -(h ~/ 6);
double zoom = 0.8;
for (int x = 0; x < w; x ++)
for (int y = 0; y < h; y ++)
double cRe = 1.5 * (y + yOffset - h / 2) / (0.5 * zoom * h);
double cIm = 1.0 * (x + xOffset - w / 2) / (0.5 * zoom * w);
double zx = 0;
double zy = 0;
int iteration = 0;
while (zx * zx + zy * zy <= 4 && iteration < _maxIterations)
double zyNew = zy * zy - zx * zx + cRe;
zx = 2 * zx * zy + cIm;
zy = zyNew;
iteration ++;
if (iteration < _maxIterations)
_pointValues[x][y] = iteration;
_pointValues[x][y] = -1;
return _pointValues;
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:phil_flutter_app/mandelbrot_colour_utils.dart';
/// This class defines a custom painter
/// to draw a Mandelbrot fractal.
class MandelbrotPainter extends CustomPainter
int _pointsWidth;
int _pointsHeight;
List _pointValues;
Random _random;
MandelbrotColorUtils _mandelbrotColorUtils;
int _randomHue;
Size _size;
Canvas _canvas;
double _devicePixelRatio;
Paint _paint;
double _width;
double _height;
/// Constructor.
MandelbrotPainter(int _pointsWidth, int _pointsHeight)
print("MandelbrotPainter constructor");
this._pointsWidth = _pointsWidth;
this._pointsHeight = _pointsHeight;
_random = new Random();
_mandelbrotColorUtils = new MandelbrotColorUtils();
_randomHue = _getRandomNumber(0, 255);
_canvas = null;
_width = -1;
_height = -1;
_paint = null;
/// Set the device pixel ratio.
void setDevicePixelRatio(double devicePixelRatio)
_devicePixelRatio = devicePixelRatio;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size)
_size = size;
_width = size.width;
_height = (size.height * 0.86);
_canvas = canvas;
_paint = Paint();
_paint.strokeWidth = 1;
_paint.style = PaintingStyle.fill;
_randomHue = _getRandomNumber(0, 255);
/// Repaint.
void repaint()
paint(_canvas, _size);
/// Set the point values.
void setPointValues(List _pointValues)
this._pointValues = _pointValues;
/// Draw the Mandelbrot points.
void _drawMandelbrotPoints()
_paint.color = Colors.black;
_canvas.drawRect(Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, _width, _height), _paint);
int w = (_width * _devicePixelRatio).round();
int h = (_height * _devicePixelRatio).round();
for (int x = 0; x < _pointsWidth; x ++)
for (int y = 0; y < _pointsHeight; y ++)
int pixelValue = _pointValues[x][y];
if (pixelValue == -1)
_paint.color = Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 0, 0);
double h = ((2 * pixelValue) + _randomHue).toDouble();
_paint.color =
_mandelbrotColorUtils.createColorFromHsv(h, 100, 100);
List<Offset> points = new List();
int pointX = (x * (w / _pointsWidth)).round();
int pointY = (y * (h / _pointsHeight)).round();
points.add(Offset(pointX.toDouble() / _devicePixelRatio,
pointY.toDouble() / _devicePixelRatio));
_canvas.drawPoints(PointMode.points, points, _paint);
bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate)
return true;
/// Get a random number.
int _getRandomNumber(int min, int max)
return min + _random.nextInt(max - min);
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尝试更改void _getMandelbrotPoints()异步 到未来_getMandelbrotPoints()异步
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