好的,所以我正在建立一个ASP.NET网站,当前正在创建登录表单,但是我一直收到一个错误,提示我无法附加SQL Server文件。
文件(SQL Server主数据文件),无法在SQL Server Management Studio中打开。
类似的问题可以通过修复与SQL Server的连接来解决。但是,在我的网站上,我没有与声明的SQL Server的连接,那么为什么会出现SQL Server错误?还要附加被调用的功能
Protected Sub Login1(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles loginForm.LoggingIn
Dim bolloginCheck As Boolean
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, Me.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert(' " & loginForm.UserName.Trim() & " - " & loginForm.Password.Trim() & " ');", True) 'displays localhostsays : called fomrcode-behind directly!
bolloginCheck = _client.Verify_Login(loginForm.UserName, loginForm.Password)
If bolloginCheck = True Then
'set user name Or session variable, adjust to true And authenticated
loginForm.FailureText = "Unable to login, please review your login credentials."
End If
End Sub
Public Function Verify_Login(strUsername As String, strPassword As String) As Boolean Implements IService.Verify_Login
Return True
End Function
Public Interface IService
Function Verify_Login(uname As String, pword As String) As Boolean
End Interface
Public Class CompositeType
Public Property BoolValue() As Boolean
Public Property StringValue() As String
End Class
Public Class Service
Implements IService
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Function Verify_Login(strUsername As String, strPassword As String) As Boolean Implements IService.Verify_Login
Return True
End Function
End Class
尝试为文件C:\ Users \ Dewy \ Desktop \ TestWebSite \ App_Data \ aspnetdb.mdf附加自动命名的数据库失败。存在具有相同名称的数据库,或者无法打开指定的文件,或者该文件位于UNC共享上。