
时间:2019-07-13 00:26:07

标签: python macos visual-studio-code

我是OSX的新手。已安装自制的Python 3.7.4,并尝试在VS Code中使用它。我很确定我的代码是正确的-它在Windows上,在OSX上的iPython或文件(即python file.py)上都可以正常运行。

但是,当我尝试使用VS Code的“在Python终端中运行选择/文件”功能时,输出结果完全是一团糟,到处都是重复的代码和错误(主要是IndentationError)。


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from os import chdir, listdir
from os.path import dirname, realpath

    path = dirname(realpath(__file__))
except NameError:
    path = '/Users/user/Desktop/project'


origDF = pd.DataFrame({'name': ['one', 'two', 'three'], 'date': ['june', 'july', 'august'], 'A_1': [1,2,3], 'L_1': [2,2,2], 
                        'TA': [1,1,1], 'TL': [2,2,2]})

dataDF = origDF.copy()

def test_equality(dataframe, item1, item2, threshold):
    tmpDF = dataframe.copy()
    tmpDF.loc[:, 'diff'] = abs(tmpDF[item1]/tmpDF[item2] - 1)

    print('\nComparison of {i1} and {i2} with threshold {t}:\n'.format(
        i1=item1, i2=item2, t=threshold))
    print(tmpDF.loc[tmpDF['diff'] > threshold,
                    ['name', 'date', item1, item2]])

# are totals equal?
for s in ['A', 'L']:
    dataDF.loc[:, 'T{}_calc'.format(s)] = dataDF.loc[:, ['{}_'.format(s) in c and not any(
        m in c for m in ['A_6', 'L_8']) for c in dataDF]].sum(axis=1, min_count=1)

test_equality(dataDF, 'TA_calc', 'TL_calc', 0.01)

# are totals equal to the stated totals?
for s in ['A', 'L']:
    test_equality(dataDF, 'T{}'.format(s), 'T{}_calc'.format(s), 0.01)

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