我正在为学生构建出勤应用程序。他们将输入学生证,并将其姓名从“缺席”列表中删除。如果它们很慢,则会将其名称添加到其他列表中,并显示它们很慢。该应用程序取决于时间和特定学生所在的班级-现在,如果它在第一小时的开始和结束之间,则应用程序的标题为1st Hour,并显示第一小时的花名册。如果我在第一个小时结束后重新初始化,它将给我第二个小时。我需要它在第一个小时结束时自动切换到第二个小时,而无需重新启动程序。
from guizero import *
import time
import pandas as pd
t = time.localtime()
hr = int(time.strftime('%H', t))
mins = int(time.strftime('%M', t))
app = App(title="Attendance")
cur_per = 9
roster = ''
names = []
hr_title = Text(app)
stud_att = {}
def current_per():
global cur_per
global roster
global hr_title
if (hr == 8 and mins < 59) or (hr == 9 and mins < 25):
cur_per = 1
hr_title = Text(app, text="1st Hour", size=30, align='top')
roster = '1st hour.csv'
elif (hr == 9 and mins < 59) or (hr == 10 and mins < 12):
cur_per = 2
hr_title = Text(app, text="2nd Hour", size=30, align='top')
roster = '2nd hour.csv'
elif (hr == 10 and mins < 59) or (hr == 11 and mins < 11):
cur_per = 3
hr_title = Text(app, text="3rd Hour", size=30, align='top')
roster = '3rd hour.csv'
elif (hr == 11 and mins < 59) or (hr == 12 and mins < 5):
cur_per = 4
hr_title = Text(app, text="4th Hour", size=30, align='top')
roster = '4th hour.csv'
elif hr == 12 and mins < 58:
cur_per = 5
hr_title = Text(app, text="5th Hour", size=30, align='top')
roster = '5th hour.csv'
elif (hr == 12 and mins < 59) or (hr == 13 and mins < 52):
cur_per = 6
hr_title = Text(app, text="6th Hour", size=30, align='top')
roster = '6th hour.csv'
elif (hr == 13 and mins < 59) or (hr == 14 and mins < 51):
cur_per = 7
hr_title = Text(app, text="7th Hour", size=30, align='top')
roster = '7th hour.csv'
elif (hr == 14 and mins < 59) or (hr == 15 and mins < 41):
cur_per = 8
hr_title = Text(app, text="8th Hour", size=30, align='top')
roster = '8th hour.csv'
cur_per = 9
hr_title = Text(app, text="9th Hour", size=30, align='top')
roster = '9th hour.csv'
stud_dict = {str(row[1]): row[0] for _, row in pd.read_csv(roster).iterrows()}
snames = stud_dict.values()
snames = '\n'.join(snames)
enter_id = TextBox(app)
submit = PushButton(app, text='Submit ID')
att = 'crazy'
nth_hr = 'ever'
students = Text(app, text=snames, size=12, align='left')
tarabs = '\n'. join(stud_att.items())
tarabstext = Text(app, text=tarabs, size=12, align='right')
def att_response():
global att
global nth_hr
if hr == 8:
nth_hr = '1st hour'
if mins < 30:
att = 'early'
elif mins < 35:
att = 'present'
elif mins < 50:
att = 'tardy'
att = 'absent'
elif hr == 9:
if mins < 24:
nth_hr = '1st hour'
att = 'absent'
elif mins < 29:
nth_hr = '2nd hour'
att = 'early'
elif mins < 34:
nth_hr = '2nd hour'
att = 'present'
elif mins < 49:
nth_hr = '2nd hour'
att = 'tardy'
nth_hr = '2nd hour'
att = 'absent'
elif hr == 16:
if mins < 11:
nth_hr = '2nd hour'
att = 'absent'
elif mins < 16:
nth_hr = '3rd hour'
att = 'early'
elif mins < 21:
nth_hr = '3rd hour'
att = 'present'
elif mins < 36:
nth_hr = '3rd hour'
att = 'tardy'
nth_hr = '3rd hour'
att = 'absent'
elif hr == 11:
if mins < 10:
nth_hr = '3rd hour'
att = 'absent'
elif mins < 15:
nth_hr = '4th hour'
att = 'early'
elif mins < 20:
nth_hr = '4th hour'
att = 'present'
elif mins < 35:
nth_hr = '4th hour'
att = 'tardy'
nth_hr = '4th hour'
att = 'absent'
elif hr == 12:
if mins < 4:
nth_hr = '4th hour'
att = 'absent'
elif mins < 9:
nth_hr = '5th hour'
att = 'early'
elif mins < 14:
nth_hr = '5th hour'
att = 'present'
elif mins < 29:
nth_hr = '5th hour'
att = 'tardy'
elif mins < 58:
nth_hr = '5th hour'
att = 'absent'
nth_hr = '6th hour'
att = 'early'
elif hr == 13:
if mins < 3:
nth_hr = '6th hour'
att = 'early'
elif mins < 8:
nth_hr = '6th hour'
att = 'present'
elif mins < 23:
nth_hr = '6th hour'
att = 'tardy'
elif mins < 52:
nth_hr = '6th hour'
att = 'absent'
elif mins < 57:
nth_hr = '7th hour'
att = 'early'
nth_hr = '7th hour'
att = 'present'
elif hr == 14:
if mins < 2:
nth_hr = '7th hour'
att = 'present'
elif mins < 17:
nth_hr = '7th hour'
att = 'tardy'
elif mins < 46:
nth_hr = '7th hour'
att = 'absent'
elif mins < 51:
nth_hr = '8th hour'
att = 'early'
elif mins < 56:
nth_hr = '8th hour'
att = 'present'
nth_hr = '8th hour'
att = 'tardy'
elif hr == 15:
if mins < 11:
nth_hr = '8th hour'
att = 'tardy'
elif mins < 40:
nth_hr = '8th hour'
att = 'absent'
def take_id():
global stud
global snames
global students
global tarabs
global tarabstext
if enter_id.value in stud_dict:
stud = stud_dict.get(enter_id.value)
info("Yay! You did a thing!", f"You've been marked {att} for {nth_hr}, {stud}!")
stud_att[stud] = att
del stud_dict[enter_id.value]
snames = '\n'.join(stud_dict.values())
students = Text(app, text=snames, size=12, align='left')
if stud in stud_att:
if stud_att[stud] == 'tardy' or 'absent':
tarabs = stud_att.items()
tarabs = pd.DataFrame(stud_att.items(), columns=['Name', '?'])
tarabstext = Text(app, text=tarabs, size=12, align='right')
error("Um....", f"I don't recognize that number {enter_id.value}")
submit.when_clicked = take_id