我们有一个用于加密字符串的组件和一个用于解密字符串以用于其他目的的Node API。我似乎无法让他们解密到正确的值。如何在Node中复制它?
' Use these members to save min and max salt lengths.
Public minSaltLen As Integer = -1
Public maxSaltLen As Integer = -1
Private encString As String
Private decString As String
Private EncryptionKey As String 'EncryptionKey
Private MasterEncryptionKey As String ' MasterEncryptionKey
Private DecryptUserName As String
Private DecryptPassword As String
Private saltValue As String
Private passwordIterations As Integer = 2
Private keySize As Integer = 256
Private hashAlgorithm As String
Private Shared DEFAULT_HASH_ALGORITHM As String = "SHA-1"
Private Shared DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE As Integer = 256
Private Shared MAX_ALLOWED_SALT_LEN As Integer = 255
Private Shared MIN_ALLOWED_SALT_LEN As Integer = 4
Private Shared DEFAULT_MAX_SALT_LEN As Integer = 8
Private encryptor As ICryptoTransform = Nothing
Private decryptor As ICryptoTransform = Nothing
Private dc As Boolean
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub setStringToEncrypt(ByVal var As String)
encString = var
End Sub
Public Sub setEncryptionKey(ByVal var As String)
EncryptionKey = var
End Sub
Public Function EncryptData()
EncryptData = Encrypt(encString)
End Function
Public Sub setDecryptUserName(ByVal var As String)
DecryptUserName = var
End Sub
Public Sub setDecryptPassword(ByVal var As String)
DecryptPassword = var
End Sub
Public Sub setStringToDecrypt(ByVal var As String)
decString = var
End Sub
Public Function DecryptData()
If validateDecryptUser() Then
DecryptData = Decrypt(decString)
DecryptData = ""
Err.Raise(1000, "Encryption.AES.DecryptData()", "Decryption Username and/or Password incorrect - decryption failed")
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Sub initFunction()
MasterEncryptionKey = "MASTERKEY" ' must be 16 chars
If EncryptionKey.ToString() = "" Then
Err.Raise(1002, "Encryption.AES.initFunction()", "Encryption key incorrect or empty")
Exit Sub
End If
If (minSaltLen < MIN_ALLOWED_SALT_LEN) Then
Me.minSaltLen = minSaltLen
End If
If (maxSaltLen < 0 Or maxSaltLen > MAX_ALLOWED_SALT_LEN) Then
Me.maxSaltLen = maxSaltLen
End If
' Set the size of cryptographic key.
If (keySize <= 0) Then
End If
If (hashAlgorithm Is Nothing) Then
hashAlgorithm = hashAlgorithm.ToUpper().Replace("-", "")
End If
Dim initVectorBytes() As Byte = Nothing
Dim saltValueBytes() As Byte = Nothing
' Get bytes of initialization vector.
If (MasterEncryptionKey Is Nothing) Then
initVectorBytes = New Byte() {}
initVectorBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(MasterEncryptionKey)
End If
' Get bytes of salt (used in hashing).
If (saltValue Is Nothing) Then
saltValueBytes = New Byte() {}
saltValueBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(saltValue)
End If
' Generate password, which will be used to derive the key.
Dim password As PasswordDeriveBytes = New PasswordDeriveBytes( _
EncryptionKey, _
saltValueBytes, _
hashAlgorithm, _
' Convert key to a byte array adjusting the size from bits to bytes.
On Error Resume Next
Dim keyBytes() As Byte = password.GetBytes(keySize / 8)
' Initialize Rijndael key object.
Dim symmetricKey As RijndaelManaged = New RijndaelManaged()
If (initVectorBytes.Length = 0) Then
symmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.ECB
symmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC
End If
encryptor = symmetricKey.CreateEncryptor(keyBytes, initVectorBytes)
decryptor = symmetricKey.CreateDecryptor(keyBytes, initVectorBytes)
End Sub
Public Function Encrypt(ByVal plainText As String) As String
dc = False
Encrypt = Encrypt(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText))
End Function
Public Function Encrypt(ByVal plainTextBytes As Byte()) As String
dc = False
Encrypt = Convert.ToBase64String(EncryptToBytes(plainTextBytes))
End Function
Public Function EncryptToBytes(ByVal plainText As String) As Byte()
EncryptToBytes = EncryptToBytes(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText))
End Function
Public Function EncryptToBytes(ByVal plainTextBytes As Byte()) As Byte()
Dim plainTextBytesWithSalt() As Byte = AddSalt(plainTextBytes)
Dim memoryStream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
Dim cryptoStream As CryptoStream = Nothing
' Let's make cryptographic operations thread-safe.
SyncLock Me
' To perform encryption, we must use the Write mode.
cryptoStream = New CryptoStream(memoryStream, _
encryptor, _
' Start encrypting data.
cryptoStream.Write(plainTextBytesWithSalt, _
0, _
' Finish the encryption operation.
' Move encrypted data from memory into a byte array.
Dim cipherTextBytes() As Byte = memoryStream.ToArray()
' Close memory streams.
' Return encrypted data.
EncryptToBytes = cipherTextBytes
End SyncLock
End Function
Public Function Decrypt(ByVal cipherText As String) As String
dc = True
Decrypt = Decrypt(Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText))
End Function
Public Function Decrypt(ByVal cipherTextBytes As Byte()) As String
dc = True
Decrypt = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(DecryptToBytes(cipherTextBytes))
End Function
Public Function DecryptToBytes(ByVal cipherText As String) As Byte()
DecryptToBytes = DecryptToBytes(Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText))
End Function
Public Function DecryptToBytes(ByVal cipherTextBytes As Byte()) As Byte()
Dim decryptedBytes() As Byte = Nothing
Dim plainTextBytes() As Byte = Nothing
Dim decryptedByteCount As Integer = 0
Dim saltLen As Integer = 0
Dim memoryStream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(cipherTextBytes)
decryptedBytes = New Byte(cipherTextBytes.Length - 1) {}
' Let's make cryptographic operations thread-safe.
SyncLock Me
' To perform decryption, we must use the Read mode.
Dim cryptoStream As CryptoStream = New CryptoStream( _
memoryStream, _
decryptor, _
' Decrypting data and get the count of plain text bytes.
decryptedByteCount = cryptoStream.Read(decryptedBytes, _
0, _
' Release memory.
End SyncLock
' If we are using salt, get its length from the first 4 bytes of plain
' text data.
If (maxSaltLen > 0 And maxSaltLen >= minSaltLen) Then
saltLen = (decryptedBytes(0) And &H3) Or _
(decryptedBytes(1) And &HC) Or _
(decryptedBytes(2) And &H30) Or _
(decryptedBytes(3) And &HC0)
End If
' Allocate the byte array to hold the original plain text
' (without salt).
plainTextBytes = New Byte(decryptedByteCount - saltLen - 1) {}
' Copy original plain text discarding the salt value if needed.
Array.Copy(decryptedBytes, saltLen, plainTextBytes, _
0, decryptedByteCount - saltLen)
' Return original plain text value.
DecryptToBytes = plainTextBytes
End Function
Private Function AddSalt(ByVal plainTextBytes As Byte()) As Byte()
If (maxSaltLen = 0 Or maxSaltLen < minSaltLen) Then
AddSalt = plainTextBytes
Exit Function
End If
' Generate the salt.
Dim saltBytes() As Byte = GenerateSalt()
' Allocate array which will hold salt and plain text bytes.
Dim plainTextBytesWithSalt() As Byte = New Byte( _
plainTextBytes.Length + _
saltBytes.Length - 1) {}
' First, copy salt bytes.
Array.Copy(saltBytes, plainTextBytesWithSalt, saltBytes.Length)
' Append plain text bytes to the salt value.
Array.Copy(plainTextBytes, 0, _
plainTextBytesWithSalt, saltBytes.Length, _
AddSalt = plainTextBytesWithSalt
End Function